Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sovereign Grace

Think of the battles that grace has had with men, and what glory it has gained! In your case and mine, how stern has been the fight! Surely you recall the days when Jesus met you on the road and called to you in His love, but you spat in His face and passed Him by, making jest of the Crucified.

Do you remember another time when He sent His dark messengers of sickness and sorrow, and you lay upon your bed. Jesus came to you again, and you uttered words to Him that looked like truth, but they were lying, deceptive words. You turned your face to the wall and vowed repentance, but you did not repent, sending Him on His way.

You have never treated a friend as badly as you have treated Him. But grace has overcome you and made you a captive. The man may kick and struggle, but that man in God's time shall be arrested by the strong hand of sovereign grace and be transformed into a new man in Christ Jesus.

Charles Spurgeon

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