Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Campus Crusade Touts Gay-Straight Alliance

by Ingrid Schlueter

The tragi-comedy of American evangelicalism continues in the tradition of the French farce*. Christianity Today reports that Campus Crusade has now begun a gay-straight alliance to fight AIDS because they want to change the image of Christians from bigoted, narrow-minded and judgmental. Never mind that those accusations are coming from those at war with God and who don’t know Christ. We can’t have people calling us bigots now, right?

It’s the perceived job of today’s evangelical to find out what the unregenerate think of them. After learning the worst, they then go about attempting to change the perception by embracing the very things God condemns. In short, it is a never ending quest for credibility and kudos from the lost and the blind. Principled stands for the Gospel are viewed as bigotry and narrow-mindedness—not just by the homosexuals, but by the Campus Crusade crowd. They want to make sure that nobody in the gay community sees those principled stands for truth, i.e. the message that homosexuality destroys people in body and soul and that only Jesus Christ can forgive and transform them. Instead, the new evangelical strategy is to hand out condoms to keep homosexuals from collecting the wages for their sin. The new Campus Crusade-style evangelism involves forming task forces and yoking themselves with the unsaved to try to solve the social ills that are the direct result of rebellion against God.

Several years ago, the former Midwest head of Campus Crusade for Christ bailed out of evangelicalism altogether and joined the Eastern Orthodox church. Curious, I went to hear him, arrayed in his new black, Eastern clerical garb and watched him bow low before an icon of the Virgin Mary next to the podium.

He said he left evangelicalism because it didn’t stand for anything. He found the Orthodox more pro-life, more consistently pro-family, rich in doctrinal teaching, reverent worship and serious treatment of God. While ending up in the East is not the answer, I salute him for recognizing the great evangelical disaster and heading for the door. Campus Crusade is the archetypal example of all that was and is wrong with evangelicalism. Its absence of any solid biblical foundation set the organization and movement up for the present apostasy and the linking of arms with Sodom. Those who are wise will, like the former Campus Crusade leader, head for the door.

*”A farce is a comedy written for the stage or film which aims to entertain the audience by means of unlikely, extravagant, and improbable situations, disguise and mistaken identity, verbal humor of varying degrees of sophistication, which may include sexual innuendo and word play, and a fast-paced plot whose speed usually increases, culminating in an ending which often involves an elaborate chase scene. Farce is also characterized by physical humor, the use of deliberate absurdity or nonsense, and broadly stylized performances.”(Wiki)

My Note: Sounds like the average evangelical church on a Sunday morning.

1 comment:

A Seed Sower said...

Oh land of Goshen, saints preserve us what happened to "be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath light with darkness, what communion hath Christ with Belial?"...guess we just don't need to heed the Word of God just do what is right in our own eyes, anything to be accepted and not ridiculed by the world...He who is a friend of the world is not a friend of God...period!