Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Human Will...

Some Christians believe that God is powerless to overcome the human will. Many evangelical Christians today believe that humans are fully able to obey God as they are; they just need to get motivated. Unfortunately, this includes how the gospel is presented today, how people are counseled, how sermons are preached, and how people think about sanctification. Psychology has found its way into the church and has become a requirement for students in bible colleges and seminaries.

What about overcoming sin? What about Paul’s lament in Romans 7? “What I will I do not practice…”

I believe the human will is powerless to overcome sin. The key to sanctification is not willpower, but rather the grace of God operating through the power of the Holy Spirit. Grace comes to us not from motivational books and sermons but through God’s ordained means of grace.

More on this topic later…

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

'AVATAR' and PAGANISM - Movie Review

Living in this world and not being affected or infected by its culture is very difficult. We try to educate our friends and family as to the dangers lurking out there; and if your family is like mine, they often protest our warnings and poo-poo our efforts to warn them. This movie review popped into my e-mail box this morning, and I felt compelled to share it with you.

-by Andrew Strom.

'Avatar' is an enormous worldwide blockbuster movie - the first to use truly lifelike 3D - a huge leap forward that is sure to revolutionize the entire industry. I managed to see the movie in 3D this week, and like everyone I was utterly wowed by the lifelike 3D images and special effects. But there were some things about the film that truly disturbed me.

Maybe we should expect spiritual outrageousness from Hollywood by now. After all, they hardly seem to be able to make a spiritual statement in their movies without alienating every Christian in the audience. (They have been warned about this before. As Michael Medved has stated, Hollywood loses billions of dollars simply by offending Christians and church-goers - who number in the hundreds of millions in America). They often don't seem to care.

But Avatar takes this to a new extreme. Many critics have commented that it has a deeply pro-environmentalist message.
And indeed, it seems almost loaded with every touchy-feely New Age environmentalist theme that you can imagine. Some critics are calling it "Dances With Wolves in space." But it sure does look amazing - in fact, stunningly real. It truly is a work of art.

The futuristic story revolves around an ex-marine posted to a planet with rich mining deposits - who has to inhabit an alien "avatar"
body so he can infiltrate the local tribe that opposes the mining.
Thus he becomes one of these blue-colored humanoids.

Though the film's images are stunning audiences worldwide, the spirituality in it is at the far extreme of New Age. And it is not "subtle" either. It is a huge part of the story. More and more you see the "Gaia"-type 'Earth-goddess' stuff - plus pagan or wicca-like rituals - until half the film seems almost saturated with them.

As I said, most people have grown to expect this stuff from politically-correct and spiritually-weird Hollywood by now. But we are talking here about the most expensive ($300 million) and most revolutionary new film in history. Surely they have to be concerned that preaching such a message may lose them hundreds of millions of dollars in potential revenue? Apparently not.

It always strikes me as sad when these great breakthroughs in the arts fail to glorify the One who gave us creativity in the first place. And sadly, this is one of those times. And I guess that is why, even after the awe and wonder of seeing one of the greatest visual spectacles of our age, I left the theatre feeling pretty flat.
And I wonder how many others felt the same - even non-Christians.
I wonder how many left sensing there was something very wrong at the core of this story. I would guess it might be quite a few.
(There have been a lot of complaints about the storyline). Even many non-Christians may not like seeing the "Earth mother goddess" getting all the glory. Which is why I think this movie will never take top spot as the most-watched film in history - despite all the money spent on it. And also why I think the sequel will never earn the kind of money that they hope for.

Will Hollywood learn its lesson? I strongly doubt it.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Quiet Heart

In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)

I really need to read this one for myself everyday!
The following is Spurgeon's comments on Isaiah 30:15:

It is always weakness to be fretting and worrying, questioning and mis-trusting. What can we do if we wear ourselves to skin and bone? Can we gain anything by fearing and fuming? Do we not unfit ourselves for action and unhinge our minds for wise decision? We are sinking by our struggles when we might float by faith.

Oh, for grace to be quiet! Why run from house to house to repeat the weary story which makes us more and more heart-sick as we tell it? Why even stay at home to cry out in agony because of wretched forebodings which may never be fulfilled? It would be well to keep a quiet tongue, but it would be far better if we had a quiet heart. Oh, to be still and know that Jehovah is God!

Oh, for grace to be confident in God! The Holy One of Israel must defend and deliver His own. He cannot run back from His solemn declarations. We may make sure that every word of His will stand though the mountains should depart. He deserves to be confided in; and if we would display confidence and consequent quietness, we might be as happy as the spirits before the throne.

Come, my soul, return unto thy rest, and lean thy head upon the bosom of the Lord Jesus.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Gift of Strength; Peace to Bless

The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

The storms of life, the troubles and fears that are present are nothing when we have the Lord of Glory! I think Spurgeon said it well when he wrote:

David had just heard the voice of the Lord in a thunderstorm and had seen His power in the hurricane whose path he had described; and now, in the cool calm after the storm, that overwhelming power by which heaven and earth are shaken is promised to be the strength of the chosen. He who wings the unerring bolt will give to His redeemed the wings of eagles; He who shakes the earth with His voice will terrify the enemies of His saints and give His children peace. Why are we weak when we have divine strength to flee to? Why are we troubled when the Lord's own peace is ours? Jesus, the mighty God, is our strength; let us put Him on and go forth to our service. Jesus, our blessed Lord, is also our peace; let us repose in Him this day and end our fears. What a blessing to have Him for our strength and peace both now and forever!

That same God who rides upon the storm in days of tempest will also rule the hurricane of our tribulation and send us, before long, days of peace. We shall have strength for storms and songs for fair weather. Let us begin to sing at once unto God, our strength and our peace. Away, dark thoughts! Up, faith and hope!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Covered and Protected

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. (Psalm 91:4)

This psalm gives me comfort and puts a smile on my face when I picture those little chicks being nestled and comforted by their mother! Spurgeon says it best:

A condescending simile indeed! Just as a hen protects her brood and allows them to nestle under her wings, so will the Lord defend His people and permit them to hide away in Him. Have we not seen the little chicks peeping out from under the mother's feathers? Have we not heard their little cry of contented joy? In this way let us shelter ourselves in our God and feel overflowing peace in knowing that He is guarding us.

While the Lord covers us, we trust. It would be strange if we did not. How can we distrust when Jehovah Himself becomes house and home, refuge and rest to us?

This done, we go out to war in His name and enjoy the same guardian care. We need shield and buckler, and when we implicitly trust God, even as the chick trusts the hen, we find His truth arming us from head to foot. The Lord cannot lie; He must be faithful to His people; His promise must stand. This sure truth is all the shield we need. Behind it we defy the fiery darts of the enemy.

Come, my soul, hide under those great wings, lose thyself among those soft feathers! How happy thou art!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

True Walking Posture

He that walketh uprightly walketh surely. (Proverbs 10:9)

If there is any question in your mind about how to conduct yourself in the daily activities of life, try to keep in mind this proverb. Our daily walk is with our Lord, Jesus. We should model ourselves after Him and not the people of the world, whose focus is on their lives in this world. Spugeon says it this way:

His walk may be slow, but it is sure. He that hasteth to be rich shall not be innocent nor sure; but steady perseverance in integrity, if it does not bring riches, will certainly bring peace. In doing that which is just and right, we are like one walking upon a rock, for we have confidence that every step we take is upon solid and safe ground. On the other hand, the utmost success through questionable transactions must always be hollow and treacherous, and the man who has gained it must always be afraid that a day of reckoning will come, and then his gains will condemn him.

Let us stick to truth and righteousness. By God's grace let us imitate our Lord and Master, in whose mouth no deceit was ever found. Let us not be afraid of being poor, nor of being treated with contempt. Never, on any account whatever, let us do that which our conscience cannot justify. If we lose inward peace, we lose more than a fortune can buy. If we keep in the Lord's own way and never sin against our conscience, our way is sure against all comers. Who is he that can harm us if we be followers of that which is good? We may be thought fools by fools if we are firm in our integrity; but in the place where judgment is infallible we shall be approved.