Friday, May 29, 2009

Blessings Out of Persecution

This message popped into my e-mail box today. The writer's words really hit me in my spirit and I thought I would share it with you. It was written to a radio and internet ministry called "Thru the Bible". Perhaps you have heard of them. They've been around for a long time. They are committed to spreading the message of the Gospel of Christ around the world. It is wonderful to see how the Gospel of our Lord is changing the lives of souls in the darkest places on the earth!! Glory to God!!

"Dear Thru the Bible,

Certain Christians wonder why God allows persecution to happen to His children. The persecution of Christians is a thing that God alone can allow or not allow. In these difficult moments, we should pray to God to reveal His will to us. I am going to tell you what happened to me. This will serve as a testimony.

My church was closed because the owner of the building no longer wanted to rent the room. We were forced to separate and meet in small groups in our homes. I organized a Bible study and prayer meeting in my house. This attracted the attention and curiosity of my Muslim neighbors who came, suddenly, to attend [one of] our meetings.

They were very surprised by the words of Jesus when we read Matthew 5:44 where Jesus said: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you….”

One of my neighbors testified to us, “I waited for you to utter curses against the authorities that persecuted you. But to my surprise I heard you bless them and pray that God would open the eyes of their hearts to recognize that Jesus is the unique Savior of the world.”

That day the Spirit of the Lord touched the two Muslim families that participated with us in the Bible study and prayer. These ten Muslim souls would not have dared ever to come publicly to the church – fear and shame would have prevented them. Because we are neighbors, they said, “Indeed, it is the church that came to us!” They gave their hearts to the Lord.

The number of house churches here increases day to day. We thank you for sending us the radio programs. Pray for us so that we may discern the will of God.

From a Kabyle listener in Algeria"

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