A man will be as a hiding place from the wind, and a cover from the tempest. (Isaiah 32:2)
We have thus escaped the wrath of God, and we shall thus escape the anger of men, the cares of this life, and the dread of death. Why do we stand in the wind when we may so readily and so surely get out of it by hiding behind our Lord? Let us this day run to Him and be at peace.
Whenever I let my mind wonder off and away from Christ I find myself drifting back to the "old man's" way of thinking. Self rises up and floods my mind with things that I thought were long ago dead and buried. If you want victory in your life you must train yourself to recognize these times when your focus gets directed away from Christ and back on to your life and the worries and cares associated with it. I found a good way to redirect myself back to Jesus is simply to start thinking about Him. It's amazing how the worries of life seem to just melt away. It also helps to get His word into your heart and mind. The Lord Jesus is truly our hiding place and a shelter from the things of this world.
Often the common wind of trouble rises in its force and becomes a tempest, sweeping everything before it. Things which looked firm and stable rock in the blast, and many and great are the falls among our worldly supports.
Our Lord Jesus, the glorious man, is a cover which is never blown down. In Him we mark the tempest sweeping by, but we ourselves rest in delightful serenity.
This day let us just stow ourselves away in our hiding place and sit and sing under the protection of our Cover. Blessed Jesus! Blessed Jesus! How we love Thee! Well we may, for Thou art to us a cover in the time of storm.
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