A chief ingredient of heaven is that we will see the face of our Lord and "serve Him day and night in his temple."
Revelation 7:15 Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them.
Where is His temple today. We, His Saints, are His living temple and we will serve Him through the obedience that comes from faith.
The obedience that comes from faith is a noble obedience. The obedience of a slave ranks only a little higher than the obedience of a well-trained horse or dog, because it reacts to the crack of the whip. When obedience is not done cheerfully it does not come from the heart and it is of little worth before God. If we obey because we have no choice in the matter and we would rather not obey if we had the opportunity then there is nothing in our obedience. The obedience of faith comes from an internal principle and not from some external requirement.
When trials and temptations come, the obedience of faith becomes essential to the sanctified soul. We are then prepared in the hour of losses and sufferings. There is no trial of life that can turn the soul full of grace from his passion for obedience.
May the Holy Spirit work in us so that, by faith, like Abraham, we may obey!
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