And there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to thine hand: that the Lord may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers. (Deuteronomy 13:17)
Israel must conquer idolatrous cities and destroy all the spoil, regarding all that had been polluted by idolatry as an accursed thing to be burned with fire. Now, sin of all sorts must be treated by Christians in the same manner. We must not allow a single evil habit to remain. It is now war to the knife with sins of all sorts and sizes, whether of the body, the mind, or the spirit. We do not look upon this giving up of evil as deserving mercy, but we regard it as a fruit of the grace of God, which we would on no account miss.
When God causes us to have no mercy on our sins, then He has great mercy on us. When we are angry with evil, God is no more angry with us. The way of peace, of growth, of safety, of joy in Christ Jesus will be found by following out these words: "There shall nought of the cursed thing cleave to thine hand." Lord, purify me this day. Compassion, prosperity, increase, and joy will surely be given to those who put away sin with solemn resolution.
Saints of God, what has happened to messages like this being preached in churches today! Do you hear these so-called pastors telling the sheep how they are polluted with idolatry!!! I can tell you that in my 64 years of going to a "church" I never heard a message like this.
Yesterday I read something written by a paster over 100 years ago. He said this, "Obedience is the rehearsal of eternal bliss. Practice now! Obedience is the song that you will sing forever in glory!"
Saints, obey God and rid yourself of idolatry!
1 comment:
A good word sister Creeky..
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