Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Praise Report!

Allan's first visit to the surgeon after auto accident of 10/16 is on Thursday, 11/8. After much fretting on how I was going to get him there, my daughter (Pam) volunteered to take him. On Sunday afternoon one of her tires had not one but two punctures, one a nail and the other a screw. This made the tire totally useless. On Monday she took the car to the dealer who said the new tire would take three to four days to deliver, which meant she had no car to transport Allan because it was not safe to drive all the way over here to where I live on the donut spare tire.

Pam said, "Don't worry, the Lord will provide for us." Good news! The Lord, indeed, did provide. The tire came in this afternoon!! Praise you, Lord! Forgive me for not having enough faith and for fretting in the beginning.

Diana (Creeky37)


Anonymous said...

Praise God Diana! He is faithful...

Diana Kukk said...

Amen, Christina. Amen and Amen!!