1 Peter 2:5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Zion's Trumpet Virtual Fellowship Hall
Don't forget followship tonight on Pal Talk at 7:00 p.m. - Eastern!
Wow, what a blessing to have this fellowship. Thank you, Dan for serving the Lord and providing this wonderful time of fellowship! I learned some very valuable lessons Friday night. I started off by asking for prayer about going back to my old Sunday school class at the church I came out of. After listening to you all, I realized that I needed to repent of my wanting to go back there to be with my friends. It's my flesh that wants to go. Please forgive me, Lord. Thank you for opening my eyes and getting me out of there and on the narrow path that leads to life. If my flesh rises up again, I wrote a list for myself to refer back to.
Reasons Not to Go: 1. It's my flesh that wants to go! 2. They teach doctrines of demons! 3. They are being devoured by Satan! 4. Why would I want to put myself in a lion's den to be devoured?
Lesson Learned: A member of the group wanted to know how she could keep her mind on Christ while at work.
Dan's Answer: Do all things to the glory of God! Do your work as unto the Lord!
Thank you, Dan. This has given me a new attitude about everyday living.
God bless you Diana, this is such a great way to fellowship with our sisters and brothers in Christ. You are doing a great job on your site Diana. Do you know the name of the room that has open on Saturday nights? I would like very much to come to the room for fellowship. I am Patience1948 and my real name is Sue.
God bless you Diana, thank-you for your efforts. I am "rebecca 777" on paltalk hope to see you tonight.
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by. See you tonight on Pal Talk!
Wow, what a blessing to have this fellowship. Thank you, Dan for serving the Lord and providing this wonderful time of fellowship! I learned some very valuable lessons Friday night. I started off by asking for prayer about going back to my old Sunday school class at the church I came out of. After listening to you all, I realized that I needed to repent of my wanting to go back there to be with my friends. It's my flesh that wants to go. Please forgive me, Lord. Thank you for opening my eyes and getting me out of there and on the narrow path that leads to life. If my flesh rises up again, I wrote a list for myself to refer back to.
Reasons Not to Go:
1. It's my flesh that wants to go!
2. They teach doctrines of demons!
3. They are being devoured by Satan!
4. Why would I want to put myself in a lion's den to be devoured?
Lesson Learned:
A member of the group wanted to know how she could keep her mind on Christ while at work.
Dan's Answer:
Do all things to the glory of God! Do your work as unto the Lord!
Thank you, Dan. This has given me a new attitude about everyday living.
1 Cor 10:31 - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
God bless you Diana, this is such a great way to fellowship with our sisters and brothers in Christ. You are doing a great job on your site Diana. Do you know the name of the room that has open on Saturday nights? I would like very much to come to the room for fellowship. I am Patience1948 and my real name is Sue.
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