1 Peter 2:5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Law of Opposition
“To him who overcomes…” (Revelation 2:7)
Life without war is impossible in the natural or the supernatural realm. It is a fact that there is a continuing struggle in the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual areas of life.
Health is the balance between the physical parts of the body and all the things and forces surrounding me. To maintain good health I must have sufficient internal strength to fight off the things that are external. Everything outside my physical life is designed to cause my death. The very elements that sustain me while I am alive work to decay and disintegrate my body once it is dead. If I have enough inner strength to fight, I help to produce the balance needed for health. The same is true of the mental life. If I want to maintain a strong and active mental life, I have to fight. This struggle produces the mental balance called thought.
Morally it is the same. Anything that does not strengthen me morally is the enemy of virtue within me. Whether I overcome, thereby producing virtue, depends on the level of moral excellence in my life. But we must fight to be moral. Morality does not happen by accident; moral virtue is acquired.
And spiritually it is also the same. Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation…” (John 16:33) This means that anything which is not spiritual leads to my downfall. Jesus went on to say, “…but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” I must learn to fight against and overcome the things that come against me, and in that way produce the balance of holiness. Then it becomes a delight to meet opposition.
Holiness is the balance between my nature and the law of God as expressed in Jesus Christ….Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest).
Thursday, December 2, 2010
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” is really a condensed study of the Bible's view of the Messiah-who he was, what he represented and why he had to come to Earth. Even to this day, if one is a proficient Bible student, the song's lyrics reveal the unfolding story of the Messiah. For the people of the Dark Ages-few of whom read or had access to the Bible-the song was one of the few examples of the full story of how the New and Old Testament views of the Messiah came together in the birth and life of Jesus. Because it brought the story of Christ the Savior to life during hundreds of years of ignorance and darkness, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” ranks as one of the most important songs in the history of the Christian faith.
To sing a song and not feel the power and majesty of its meaning trivializes both the music and the lyrics.
The first verse of the song is taken from Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23. It introduces Emmanuel-“God with us”-and Israel held captive on a dark and sinful Earth.
Isaiah 11 serves as the theme for the verse that begins “O come, thou rod of Jesse, free" (in some translations this is called the "Branch of Jesse"). In it the rod of Jesse represents Christ, who is the only one who can defeat Satan and bring eternal life to all those who follow him.
“O come, O Dayspring, come and cheer” presents the image of the morning star, a concept that can be traced back to Malachi 4:2. In this verse, the song states that the coming Savior will bring justice, honesty, and truth. He will enlighten and cast out darkness as "The sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings.”
The lyrics then turn to "O come, thou key of David," a reference to Isaiah 22:22. The words in this verse explain that the newborn King holds the key to the heavenly kingdom and there is no way to get into the kingdom but through Him.
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Mormon asked me this question a number of years ago, and through the years here at church, I’ve asked a number of people this question, and I wanted to get your opinion. Can you become a Christian if you deny the Trinity?
A Mormon asked me this question a number of years ago, and through the years here at church, I’ve asked a number of people this question, and I wanted to get your opinion. Can you become a Christian if you deny the Trinity?
I would answer, "No." If you don’t believe in the Trinity, then you don’t understand who God is. You may say the word “God” but you don’t understand His nature. Second, you couldn’t possibly understand who Christ is--that He is God in human flesh. The Incarnation of Christis an essential component of the biblical gospel, as John 1:1-14 and many other biblical passages make clear. To deny the Trinity is to deny the Incarnation. And to deny the Incarnation is to wrongly understand the truegospel.
In saying that, I realize that such an answer is going to not only impact people that you may have witnessed to (like Mormons), but it also applies tosome in the broader Pentecostal movement, called United Pentecostals or "Jesus-Only" Pentecostals. Such individuals hold to a kind of modalism, where God is sometimes in the mode of the Father orthe mode of the Son or the mode of the Spirit, but He’s never all three at the same time. That too is a deficient and heretical view of the Trinity. It denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The same question sometimes arises about the Virgin Birth. I think it is possible for a personto become a Christian before learning about the details of theVirgin Birth, thoughthat personwould certainly assume that Jesus Christ must have had a unique birthsince He is both God and man. But, if someone knows about the Virgin Birth and says, “I deny the Virgin Birth,” then he is simultaneously denying the deity of Christ, and also the Trinity. Such a person betrays the fact that they do not understand the gospel, and therefore cannot have truly been saved. (John MacArthur)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Doctrine Matters
"For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctifed," Hebrews 9:14
"Therefore being justifed by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," Romans 5:1.
The Reformed Faith and Confession: Introduction
The Reformed faith is rooted in the Reformation of the church which began with Martin Luther's nailing of the ninety five theses on the door of Wittenburg church in October 31 1517. The seminal doctrine of the reformation for Luther, Zwingli, Calvin and the other reformers was justification by faith alone. This is the truth that we are righteous before God in Christ who is our righteousness. That righteousness is imputed to us by or through faith, which is the instrument of God's grace to justify the sinner in his conscience before God.
That we are righteous before God by faith, means also that salvation is solely of the Lord. It is a free gift, and not of works. It is grounded in the truth of sovereign grace, for faith is not a new work on the basis of which man is righteous, but a work of grace in man, by which God imparts the blessings of salvation. The expression "by faith," or "through faith" refers to the instrument of grace. It does not mean as this truth is corrupted today "because of faith." To teach that man is righteous because of believing, is the heresy of salvation by works repackaged. Faith is a blessing of salvation, bought in the cross, and applied by the Spirit
Rome taught and continues to teach the error of salvation because of faith and the works of faith. It is Rome that teaches the cross is only a provision, a treasury of merits, upon which men by their faith and works draw and which is made available by a repeated sacrifice in the mass. It is to these errors that the reformers responded.
It is this same error of salvation by works, a conditional or provisional salvation offered to man and depending on the will, decision, act or works of the sinner in some form for its reception which pervades so-called evangelicalism. Such doctrine is not protestant. It is not evangelical. And it is not reformed. It stands at odds with the truth of Christ's perfect and finished atonement and of justification by faith in him. "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified," Hebrews 9:14. Those sanctified by Christ's atoning death are God's elect, whom God effectually regenerates and calls unto faith and righteousness by faith in Christ.
It is exactly this truth of salvation by grace alone, which the genuine reformational doctrine of justification by faith represents. It is the gospel. Against it stands the doctrine of salvation by the works of man and his righteousness, which is the false doctrine of the Pharisees of Jesus' day. Jesus himself warns us against it, when he says, "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees," and has in view their doctrine, Matthew 16:6, 11, 12. It is this corrupting leaven which repeatedly seeks to corrupt the life of the Christian church.
The truths of justification by faith and of sovereign grace are inseparable. They stand at the heart of every reformed confessional standard, both the Reformed continental standards: the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession of Faith, and Canons of Dordt and the Presbyterian standards the Westminster Confession and Larger and Shorter Catechisms. The purpose of the Reformed confessional standards is to maintain that truth as the personal confession of believers and the corporate confession of the churches over against the false leaven of salvation by works
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Walking in the Spirit
The only consistent way to overcome the sinful desires of our human nature (the flesh) is to live step-by-step in the power of the Holy Spirit as He works through our spirit.
Galatians 5:19-26
The works of the flesh are these: Adultry, fornication, uncleaness, lewsness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkeness, reveleries. Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The fruit of the Spirit are these: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Those who are in christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Galatians 5:19-26
The works of the flesh are these: Adultry, fornication, uncleaness, lewsness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkeness, reveleries. Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The fruit of the Spirit are these: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Those who are in christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Where to Find Comfort and Encouragement in the Psalms
When you feel abandoned - Psalms 10
When your world seems to be falling apart - Psalms 46
When you are afraid - Psalms 23; 91
When you feel guilty - Psalms 51
When your family gets on your nerves - Psalms 127; 128
When you are facing a daunting challenge - Psalms 27
When you are discouraged by the apparent prosperity of the wicked - Psalms 37; 73
When you do not feel very thankful - Psalms 107
When you feel as if God has forgotten you - Psalms 139
When you are tempted to lose faith in God - Psalms 62
When you have
lost your eternal perspective - Psalms 90
When you feel like you are barely hanging on - Psalms 86
When you are wondering what God expects - Psalms 15
When you want to know God better - Psalms 42; 63
When you need to be reminded of the goodness of God - Psalms 103
When you need to recommit yourself to serving God - Psalms 116
When you need wisdom - Psalms 119
When you need a reminder of God’s mercy - Psalms 136
When you feel like celebrating - Psalms 95-100
When your world seems to be falling apart - Psalms 46
When you are afraid - Psalms 23; 91
When you feel guilty - Psalms 51
When your family gets on your nerves - Psalms 127; 128
When you are facing a daunting challenge - Psalms 27
When you are discouraged by the apparent prosperity of the wicked - Psalms 37; 73
When you do not feel very thankful - Psalms 107
When you feel as if God has forgotten you - Psalms 139
When you are tempted to lose faith in God - Psalms 62
When you have
lost your eternal perspective - Psalms 90
When you feel like you are barely hanging on - Psalms 86
When you are wondering what God expects - Psalms 15
When you want to know God better - Psalms 42; 63
When you need to be reminded of the goodness of God - Psalms 103
When you need to recommit yourself to serving God - Psalms 116
When you need wisdom - Psalms 119
When you need a reminder of God’s mercy - Psalms 136
When you feel like celebrating - Psalms 95-100
Saturday, July 31, 2010
WARNING: The Book of Revelation was intended to be heard and obeyed, not to be tampered with. The person who either adds to or takes away from its contents will receive from God the strictest punishment, a punishment with eternal consequences. This terrifying warning is even stronger than that of Deut. 4:2 and Prov. 30:6.
Rev. 22:18,19…”For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Take heed, if you are giving the Book of Revelation a “private interpretation.” A private interpretation comes from the fables of men looking for sheep to follow them, and men selling their books, and is NOT based on what the Scriptures say. The Book of Revelation is interpreted for us through what is contained in the Old Testament and Christ’s fulfillment of everything that is contained in the Old Testament via the New Testament. Scripture interprets itself. We MUST NOT go beyond what is written. There are NO private interpretations.
Rev. 22:18,19…”For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Take heed, if you are giving the Book of Revelation a “private interpretation.” A private interpretation comes from the fables of men looking for sheep to follow them, and men selling their books, and is NOT based on what the Scriptures say. The Book of Revelation is interpreted for us through what is contained in the Old Testament and Christ’s fulfillment of everything that is contained in the Old Testament via the New Testament. Scripture interprets itself. We MUST NOT go beyond what is written. There are NO private interpretations.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
"Work Out" What God "Works In" You..."
"Work Out" What God "Works In" You..."work out your own salvation...for it is God who works in you..." (Philippians 2:12-13)
Your will agrees with God, but in your flesh there is a nature that renders you powerless to do what you know you ought to do. When the Lord initially comes in contact with our conscience, the first thing our conscience does is awaken our will, and our will always agrees with God. Yet you say, “But I don’t know if my will is in agreement with God.” Look to Jesus and you will find that your will and your conscience are in agreement with Him every time. What causes you to say “I will not obey” is something less deep and penetrating than your will. It is perversity or stubbornness, and they are never in agreement with God. The most profound thing in a person is his will, not sin.
The will is the essential element in God’s creation of human beings – sin is a perverse nature which entered into people. In someone who has been born again, the source of the will is Almighty God. “…for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” With focused attention and great care, you have to “work out” what God “works in” you – not “work” to accomplish or earn “your own salvation,” but “work it out” so you will exhibit the evidence of a life based with determined, unshakable faith on the complete and perfect redemption of the Lord. As you do this, you do not bring an opposing will up against God’s will – God’s will “is” your will. Your natural choices will be in accordance with God’s will, and living this life will be as natural as breathing. Stubbornness is an unintelligent barrier, refusing enlightenment and blocking its flow. The only thing to do with this barrier of stubbornness is to blow it up with “dynamite,” and the “dynamite” is obedience to the Holy Spirit.
Do I believe that Almighty God is the Source of my will? God not only expects me to do His will, but He is in me to do it.
(Oswald Chambers – My Utmost For His Highest)
Your will agrees with God, but in your flesh there is a nature that renders you powerless to do what you know you ought to do. When the Lord initially comes in contact with our conscience, the first thing our conscience does is awaken our will, and our will always agrees with God. Yet you say, “But I don’t know if my will is in agreement with God.” Look to Jesus and you will find that your will and your conscience are in agreement with Him every time. What causes you to say “I will not obey” is something less deep and penetrating than your will. It is perversity or stubbornness, and they are never in agreement with God. The most profound thing in a person is his will, not sin.
The will is the essential element in God’s creation of human beings – sin is a perverse nature which entered into people. In someone who has been born again, the source of the will is Almighty God. “…for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” With focused attention and great care, you have to “work out” what God “works in” you – not “work” to accomplish or earn “your own salvation,” but “work it out” so you will exhibit the evidence of a life based with determined, unshakable faith on the complete and perfect redemption of the Lord. As you do this, you do not bring an opposing will up against God’s will – God’s will “is” your will. Your natural choices will be in accordance with God’s will, and living this life will be as natural as breathing. Stubbornness is an unintelligent barrier, refusing enlightenment and blocking its flow. The only thing to do with this barrier of stubbornness is to blow it up with “dynamite,” and the “dynamite” is obedience to the Holy Spirit.
Do I believe that Almighty God is the Source of my will? God not only expects me to do His will, but He is in me to do it.
(Oswald Chambers – My Utmost For His Highest)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I believe that perhaps there is so much apostasy in the church today it’s because the church (organized denominations) is busy doing its own thing and it has lost all discernment and as a result of that has drifted away from the will of God and HIS purpose! Faith has been given to individuals and as individual believers we must learn from God and stop being spoon-fed in church buildings and seeking after personalities. They are feeding the saints pabulum (baby food), and in some cases POISON! The poison comes mixed in with the baby food, just a little at a time so as not to detect it. Jesus said in Matthew 16:6, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” He was talking about the religious LEADERS, folks! The following was written by Oswald Chambers many years ago. God's truth does not change. I pray that God would give ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Did you join a church so that you would have something to do on Sundays and to acquire new friends and have a good time. If that was your motivation for doing so, then the time has come for you to really sit down and examine yourself.
Be determined to know more than others. If you don’t cut the lines that tie you to the dock, God will have to use a storm to cut them to send you out to sea. Everything in your life should be afloat upon God. As you sail out on His sea of purpose, your eyes will be opened. If you are following Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy and always tied to the dock. You have to get out into the great depths of God, and begin to know things for yourself—begin to have spiritual discernment.
When you know that you should do something and you do it, immediately you know more. Look back on times in your life when you have become disinterested spiritually, and you will find that it goes back to a point where you did not do something you knew you should do. You did not do it because there seemed to be no immediate call to do it. But now you have no insight or discernment, and at a time of crisis you are spiritually distracted instead of spiritually self-controlled. It is a dangerous thing to refuse to continue learning and knowing more.
The counterfeit of obedience is a state of mind in which you create your own opportunities to sacrifice yourself, and your zeal and enthusiasm are mistaken for discernment. It is easier to sacrifice yourself than to fulfill your spiritual destiny, which is stated in Romans 12:1—2. It is much better to fulfill the purpose of God in your life by discerning His will than it is to perform great acts of self-sacrifice. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice…”(1 Samuel 15:22). Beware of paying attention or going back to what you once were, when God wants you to be something that you have never been. “If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know…” (John 7:17).
Be determined to know more than others. If you don’t cut the lines that tie you to the dock, God will have to use a storm to cut them to send you out to sea. Everything in your life should be afloat upon God. As you sail out on His sea of purpose, your eyes will be opened. If you are following Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy and always tied to the dock. You have to get out into the great depths of God, and begin to know things for yourself—begin to have spiritual discernment.
When you know that you should do something and you do it, immediately you know more. Look back on times in your life when you have become disinterested spiritually, and you will find that it goes back to a point where you did not do something you knew you should do. You did not do it because there seemed to be no immediate call to do it. But now you have no insight or discernment, and at a time of crisis you are spiritually distracted instead of spiritually self-controlled. It is a dangerous thing to refuse to continue learning and knowing more.
The counterfeit of obedience is a state of mind in which you create your own opportunities to sacrifice yourself, and your zeal and enthusiasm are mistaken for discernment. It is easier to sacrifice yourself than to fulfill your spiritual destiny, which is stated in Romans 12:1—2. It is much better to fulfill the purpose of God in your life by discerning His will than it is to perform great acts of self-sacrifice. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice…”(1 Samuel 15:22). Beware of paying attention or going back to what you once were, when God wants you to be something that you have never been. “If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know…” (John 7:17).
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Believers in Grace
by Bill Randles
Do you remember the social and moral revolution of the 1960s? The youth movement of the left was destined to break all the rules and liberate society from the dreary bondage of the past. They were going to show us how to do it the right way! As an anthem from that day proclaimed, “All the world over so easy to see, that people everywhere just want to be free.”
Isn’t it ironic that those same revolutionaries, now come of age, have created a society that is vastly more restricted than the one they worked so hard to undermine? We now live in a “brave new world” in which every aspect of daily life is hyper-regulated, speech is scrutinized to the point of absurdity, and even thought is criminalized (hate crimes laws)!
Although they have, in large part cast, off the shackles of any fear of God, they have a rigid concept of “righteousness”: they are very religious about global warming, population control , a woman’s right to choose (abortion), tolerance of all religions (except of course evangelical Christianity), woman’s liberation, transgender acceptance, and multi-culturalistic dogmas.
My theory is that they are so religious, although godless, because people are made in the image of God and must have some kind of religion. Furthermore, they are raised in America, where once a vast Christian consensus permeated our society and its institutions. It is for this reason that there has developed among the secular elite a “godless righteousness.”
The idea of any accountability for the sins enumerated in the ten commandments has been cast off, but they have their own tablets of stone. “Thou shalt not, ever, ever, make a moral judgment,” “Thou shalt not smoke (in public or private),” “Thou shalt support all forms of abortion,” “Thou shalt not claim any absolute truth,” “Thou shalt not think western civilization is any better than any other culture,” and so on and so forth.
It has often been pointed out that as long as these pieties are observed, it doesn’t really matter what a person does as an individual. All personal indiscretions are excused as long as these positions are held.
The real sins, which have proliferated and intensified as a result of the sexual revolution of the sixties (i.e. the rampant fornication, the destruction of marriages, homosexuality, adultery, abortion and pornography) affect the consciences of those who practice and promote them whether they believe in God or not. One cannot escape the psychological trauma of these evils by just dismissing the concept of a God or a binding personal morality.
That’s part of the reason why the Left has developed an alternative morality, to try to feel good about themselves, to assuage their conscience. They have to assure themselves over and over again that they are all right, because they support Cause x, and wear the ribbon in solidarity of Cause Y. They are good people, on the good side regardless of their personal immorality.
In short, godless righteousness isn’t individual – it is collective. As long as you hold to the positions of the Left Wing, you are “in right standing” regardless of your personal failings. This is why the counter culture has always shamelessly championed people like Che Guevarra, a mass murderer, Albert Kinsey a known fraud and pervert, and other personally sordid fellow travelers. As long as they hold to the dogma, it doesn’t matter.
The tragedy is that this righteousness is a sham and will be found to be as helpful as Adam and Eve’s fig leaves on the day of Judgment. It may feel good to “be in the right” with the culture – there is no doubt a certain satisfaction in it. But there is no way that “godless righteousness” can heal the troubled conscience. Is this why this generation needs so much valium? There is no possibility that “godless righteousness” can take away the shame of sin, and it certainly will not reconcile anyone to the true and Holy God.
There is a true righteousness, a right standing that can be obtained before God, but only as a gift to be received from Him. The good news is that what God demands, perfect righteousness, God provides for us, as Scripture says, “For he [God] hath made him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
Do you remember the social and moral revolution of the 1960s? The youth movement of the left was destined to break all the rules and liberate society from the dreary bondage of the past. They were going to show us how to do it the right way! As an anthem from that day proclaimed, “All the world over so easy to see, that people everywhere just want to be free.”
Isn’t it ironic that those same revolutionaries, now come of age, have created a society that is vastly more restricted than the one they worked so hard to undermine? We now live in a “brave new world” in which every aspect of daily life is hyper-regulated, speech is scrutinized to the point of absurdity, and even thought is criminalized (hate crimes laws)!
Although they have, in large part cast, off the shackles of any fear of God, they have a rigid concept of “righteousness”: they are very religious about global warming, population control , a woman’s right to choose (abortion), tolerance of all religions (except of course evangelical Christianity), woman’s liberation, transgender acceptance, and multi-culturalistic dogmas.
My theory is that they are so religious, although godless, because people are made in the image of God and must have some kind of religion. Furthermore, they are raised in America, where once a vast Christian consensus permeated our society and its institutions. It is for this reason that there has developed among the secular elite a “godless righteousness.”
The idea of any accountability for the sins enumerated in the ten commandments has been cast off, but they have their own tablets of stone. “Thou shalt not, ever, ever, make a moral judgment,” “Thou shalt not smoke (in public or private),” “Thou shalt support all forms of abortion,” “Thou shalt not claim any absolute truth,” “Thou shalt not think western civilization is any better than any other culture,” and so on and so forth.
It has often been pointed out that as long as these pieties are observed, it doesn’t really matter what a person does as an individual. All personal indiscretions are excused as long as these positions are held.
The real sins, which have proliferated and intensified as a result of the sexual revolution of the sixties (i.e. the rampant fornication, the destruction of marriages, homosexuality, adultery, abortion and pornography) affect the consciences of those who practice and promote them whether they believe in God or not. One cannot escape the psychological trauma of these evils by just dismissing the concept of a God or a binding personal morality.
That’s part of the reason why the Left has developed an alternative morality, to try to feel good about themselves, to assuage their conscience. They have to assure themselves over and over again that they are all right, because they support Cause x, and wear the ribbon in solidarity of Cause Y. They are good people, on the good side regardless of their personal immorality.
In short, godless righteousness isn’t individual – it is collective. As long as you hold to the positions of the Left Wing, you are “in right standing” regardless of your personal failings. This is why the counter culture has always shamelessly championed people like Che Guevarra, a mass murderer, Albert Kinsey a known fraud and pervert, and other personally sordid fellow travelers. As long as they hold to the dogma, it doesn’t matter.
The tragedy is that this righteousness is a sham and will be found to be as helpful as Adam and Eve’s fig leaves on the day of Judgment. It may feel good to “be in the right” with the culture – there is no doubt a certain satisfaction in it. But there is no way that “godless righteousness” can heal the troubled conscience. Is this why this generation needs so much valium? There is no possibility that “godless righteousness” can take away the shame of sin, and it certainly will not reconcile anyone to the true and Holy God.
There is a true righteousness, a right standing that can be obtained before God, but only as a gift to be received from Him. The good news is that what God demands, perfect righteousness, God provides for us, as Scripture says, “For he [God] hath made him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Good Soldier of Jesus
"Christians will sin, but they will walk in repentance. They will not walk in rebellion as a way of life. Therefore, when we see professing Christians getting worse and worse in their apostasy, we must conclude that they are to be excluded from fellowship and exposed as wolves in sheep’s clothing if they are confronted and they do not repent. On the other hand, if we do confront these men about their sin and they do repent then we must accept that and include them in fellowship as long as they remain in that repentance."
A Good Soldier of Jesus
A Good Soldier of Jesus
Monday, May 24, 2010
Your Will be Done!
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:10
God’s Word reveals three aspects of His will. First is His will of purpose—His sovereign, ultimate plan for the universe. “Surely, just as I [God] have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand” (Isa. 14:24; cf. Eph. 1:9–11). It has been within God’s purpose to allow sin to affect the world for a time. But that situation will end precisely according to His plan and foreknowledge.
Within God’s will of purpose is His will of desire. This will is more specific but not always fulfilled in the present age. For example, Jesus desired His people, the Jews, to be saved. However, only a relative few believed in His message. Jesus prayed, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together … and you would not have it!” (Luke 13:34). Like the Jews, most Gentiles are also unwilling to come to Christ for salvation (John 5:40; cf. 1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9).
Third is God’s will of command, which is His desire that believers obey Him fully, as only they of all people can, with the help of the Spirit (see Rom. 6:16–18). Pride is the great enemy set against all of God’s will. But for us to obey His will, we must forsake self-will and “prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom. 12:2; see also v. 1).
Ask Yourself
Understanding the many-layered aspects of God’s will is not nearly as important as being obedient to every aspect you do know. Don’t you long for His purpose, desire, and command to be met with full acceptance in your own life? Submit to Him in some new way today. Conform to His will.
(Daily Readings by John MacArthur)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Understand God's Heart Against Sin by Zac Poonan
The message of Nahum was a message of God’s anger. In Nahum 1: 2 and 6, we see seven words - jealous, avenging, wrathful, vengeance, indignation, anger, burning, and rage. These words express God’s intense anger and blazing fury not just against sin, but also against the people who continue in sin. “The Lord is slow to get angry, but when He does get angry, you can’t stop Him” (Nah. 1:3). God is longsuffering and very patient. But finally, He will judge. And His anger and judgment are mainly directed against those who exploit others. He will bring justice to all who have been cheated on earth.
There was a difference between Adam’s sin and Cain’s sin. Adam hurt himself, but did not hurt anybody else. So he was not cursed. Only the ground was cursed (Gen. 3:17). But Cain’s sin hurt another person – Abel. So he himself was cursed by God (Gen. 4:11). When you do something that hurts another person in some way it is a serious sin. It can bring God’s curse on you like it did on Cain, if you do not repent and confess your sin. For example, you may have backbitten against someone and thus spoilt his reputation; or you may have become friendly with a girl and stirred up her emotions and then given her up (you may not have touched her body, but you have still hurt her). God is jealous, wrathful, angry and indignant, and His blazing fury will take vengeance and revenge on everyone who does such things. This judgment may not have come in you as yet, because He is still waiting for you to repent. But God takes note of the smallest things that we do against others, and He will punish us for it all one day. Many preachers have lost the anointing of God upon their lives because they spoke careless words against others, without knowing the truth – criticizing and spreading unverified stories. Then God removes His anointing from such preachers. And if they continue to be careless in their speech, God will one day take away their salvation too.
Why was God so angry with Assyria? It was not because they were smoking and drinking, or taking harmful drugs. We think taking drugs is horrible. It is. But in God’s eyes, it is not as horrible as backbiting – because when you take drugs you hurt only yourself, but when you backbite, you hurt others. I want to do what those Old Testament prophets did: Give you a proper understanding of what God considers as serious sins. God’s blazing fury against Assyria was because they hurt other people. In the same way, one day God will judge every single human being that ever lived, if he hurt anyone in any way by his words or his actions. People find it difficult to believe that. But that is just like people finding it difficult to believe in a real place called “Hell”. There are many who imagine that God will finally save everybody and that even those who go to hell will finally go to heaven!!! Some even go to the extreme of believing that Satan himself will get converted one day! But I believe God’s word. If you cannot believe in a God full of anger, then you do not believe in a God full of love either. Love demands anger and punishment - and I’ll explain why.
Suppose you have two children, whom you love equally, and one day you see the older boy hitting his younger brother with a stone and making him bleed. That poor younger boy is unable to defend himself against someone stronger than him. What will you do as a father? Will you just stand and watch that? You love both your boys. And because you love, you will be angry. If you don’t love your child, you will ignore what is being done and won’t be angry. But love will bring anger against evil, for love demands justice. You will punish the older boy for hurting his weaker brother. That is exactly what God did with Assyria too. And that is what He will one day do to all people who hurt others in any way. We will see this clearly in the Day of Judgment.
So I hope our study of Nahum will make us extremely careful in future to avoid words and actions that might hurt others in any way. Do you want to be a servant of God? Then be careful with your words - especially words that you speak about those whom you don’t like, or with whom you don’t agree.
In Nahum 1:7-10, we see God’s attitude towards His friends and His enemies. First we see His attitude towards those who respond to His word in repentance. He is good to them. When trouble comes He is a strong refuge. If you humble yourselves and respond to these strong warnings of the prophets God will be very good to you, and when trouble comes He will be like a refuge to you, protecting you like that father protects his little boy from being bullied by others. The Lord knows everyone who trusts in Him. He doesn’t forget even one person. You may be weak, poor and hopeless, but God knows you personally, if you are one of those who trust in Him.
Then in the next few verses we see God’s attitude towards His enemies. “He sweeps away His enemies like in an overflowing flood” (Nah. 1:8). When a flood comes, it just wipes out everybody in a moment. That’s how judgment is going to come upon God’s enemies. “He pursues His foes into the darkness of the night.” The prophet uses these expressions to show how God pursues those who don’t take His word seriously in order to destroy them. “Why are you scheming against the Lord? He will destroy you with one blow. He doesn’t need to strike you a second time. When God strikes His enemies they will stagger like drunkards and be burnt up like dry straw in a field. Who is this king of yours who dares to plot evil against the Lord?” (Nah. 1:9-10).
What were Assyria’s sins that God was so angry with them? First of all their pride towards God, and secondly their cruelty towards others. They took advantage of others and exploited them. These are the two things that the prophets always emphasised - the people’s attitude towards God and towards other human beings. It is because most believers don’t read these prophetic books sufficiently that they too remain proud towards God and hard towards others. Many believers say that these Old Testament prophetic books are boring. That’s exactly what the devil wants you to say, so that you understand nothing of God’s anger against pride and hardness of heart.
I want to encourage you to read these prophets, even if you find some of it laborious reading. You can get inside the heart of God as you read these words and understand how God feels towards such issues. By constant repetition, the message will hit home and finally be written in your heart – that God hates sin. Then you will fear and tremble to commit any of those sins.
There was a difference between Adam’s sin and Cain’s sin. Adam hurt himself, but did not hurt anybody else. So he was not cursed. Only the ground was cursed (Gen. 3:17). But Cain’s sin hurt another person – Abel. So he himself was cursed by God (Gen. 4:11). When you do something that hurts another person in some way it is a serious sin. It can bring God’s curse on you like it did on Cain, if you do not repent and confess your sin. For example, you may have backbitten against someone and thus spoilt his reputation; or you may have become friendly with a girl and stirred up her emotions and then given her up (you may not have touched her body, but you have still hurt her). God is jealous, wrathful, angry and indignant, and His blazing fury will take vengeance and revenge on everyone who does such things. This judgment may not have come in you as yet, because He is still waiting for you to repent. But God takes note of the smallest things that we do against others, and He will punish us for it all one day. Many preachers have lost the anointing of God upon their lives because they spoke careless words against others, without knowing the truth – criticizing and spreading unverified stories. Then God removes His anointing from such preachers. And if they continue to be careless in their speech, God will one day take away their salvation too.
Why was God so angry with Assyria? It was not because they were smoking and drinking, or taking harmful drugs. We think taking drugs is horrible. It is. But in God’s eyes, it is not as horrible as backbiting – because when you take drugs you hurt only yourself, but when you backbite, you hurt others. I want to do what those Old Testament prophets did: Give you a proper understanding of what God considers as serious sins. God’s blazing fury against Assyria was because they hurt other people. In the same way, one day God will judge every single human being that ever lived, if he hurt anyone in any way by his words or his actions. People find it difficult to believe that. But that is just like people finding it difficult to believe in a real place called “Hell”. There are many who imagine that God will finally save everybody and that even those who go to hell will finally go to heaven!!! Some even go to the extreme of believing that Satan himself will get converted one day! But I believe God’s word. If you cannot believe in a God full of anger, then you do not believe in a God full of love either. Love demands anger and punishment - and I’ll explain why.
Suppose you have two children, whom you love equally, and one day you see the older boy hitting his younger brother with a stone and making him bleed. That poor younger boy is unable to defend himself against someone stronger than him. What will you do as a father? Will you just stand and watch that? You love both your boys. And because you love, you will be angry. If you don’t love your child, you will ignore what is being done and won’t be angry. But love will bring anger against evil, for love demands justice. You will punish the older boy for hurting his weaker brother. That is exactly what God did with Assyria too. And that is what He will one day do to all people who hurt others in any way. We will see this clearly in the Day of Judgment.
So I hope our study of Nahum will make us extremely careful in future to avoid words and actions that might hurt others in any way. Do you want to be a servant of God? Then be careful with your words - especially words that you speak about those whom you don’t like, or with whom you don’t agree.
In Nahum 1:7-10, we see God’s attitude towards His friends and His enemies. First we see His attitude towards those who respond to His word in repentance. He is good to them. When trouble comes He is a strong refuge. If you humble yourselves and respond to these strong warnings of the prophets God will be very good to you, and when trouble comes He will be like a refuge to you, protecting you like that father protects his little boy from being bullied by others. The Lord knows everyone who trusts in Him. He doesn’t forget even one person. You may be weak, poor and hopeless, but God knows you personally, if you are one of those who trust in Him.
Then in the next few verses we see God’s attitude towards His enemies. “He sweeps away His enemies like in an overflowing flood” (Nah. 1:8). When a flood comes, it just wipes out everybody in a moment. That’s how judgment is going to come upon God’s enemies. “He pursues His foes into the darkness of the night.” The prophet uses these expressions to show how God pursues those who don’t take His word seriously in order to destroy them. “Why are you scheming against the Lord? He will destroy you with one blow. He doesn’t need to strike you a second time. When God strikes His enemies they will stagger like drunkards and be burnt up like dry straw in a field. Who is this king of yours who dares to plot evil against the Lord?” (Nah. 1:9-10).
What were Assyria’s sins that God was so angry with them? First of all their pride towards God, and secondly their cruelty towards others. They took advantage of others and exploited them. These are the two things that the prophets always emphasised - the people’s attitude towards God and towards other human beings. It is because most believers don’t read these prophetic books sufficiently that they too remain proud towards God and hard towards others. Many believers say that these Old Testament prophetic books are boring. That’s exactly what the devil wants you to say, so that you understand nothing of God’s anger against pride and hardness of heart.
I want to encourage you to read these prophets, even if you find some of it laborious reading. You can get inside the heart of God as you read these words and understand how God feels towards such issues. By constant repetition, the message will hit home and finally be written in your heart – that God hates sin. Then you will fear and tremble to commit any of those sins.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bank of Faith
"Remember the word unto Thy servant, upon which Thou hast caused me to hope." --Psalm 119:49
Whatever your especial need may be, you may readily find some promise in the Bible suited to it. Are you faint and feeble because your way is rough and you are weary? Here is the promise--"He giveth power to the faint." When you read such a promise, take it back to the great Promiser, and ask Him to fulfil His own word.
Are you seeking after Christ, and thirsting for closer communion with Him? This promise shines like a star upon you--"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." Take that promise to the throne continually; do not plead anything else, but go to God over and over again with this--"Lord, Thou hast said it, do as Thou hast said."
Are you distressed because of sin, and burdened with the heavy load of your iniquities? Listen to these words--"I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions, and will no more remember thy sins." You have no merit of your own to plead why He should pardon you, but plead His written engagements and He will perform them.
Are you afraid lest you should not be able to hold on to the end, lest, after having thought yourself a child of God, you should prove a castaway? If that is your state, take this word of grace to the throne and plead it: "The mountains may depart, and the hills may be removed, but the covenant of My love shall not depart from thee."
If you have lost the sweet sense of the Saviour's presence, and are seeking Him with a sorrowful heart, remember the promises: "Return unto Me, and I will return unto you;" "For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee."
Reinforce your faith upon God's own word, and whatever your fears or wants, return to the Bank of Faith with your Father's promise, saying, "Remember the word unto Thy servant, upon which Thou hast caused me to hope."
Charles Spurgeon
Whatever your especial need may be, you may readily find some promise in the Bible suited to it. Are you faint and feeble because your way is rough and you are weary? Here is the promise--"He giveth power to the faint." When you read such a promise, take it back to the great Promiser, and ask Him to fulfil His own word.
Are you seeking after Christ, and thirsting for closer communion with Him? This promise shines like a star upon you--"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." Take that promise to the throne continually; do not plead anything else, but go to God over and over again with this--"Lord, Thou hast said it, do as Thou hast said."
Are you distressed because of sin, and burdened with the heavy load of your iniquities? Listen to these words--"I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions, and will no more remember thy sins." You have no merit of your own to plead why He should pardon you, but plead His written engagements and He will perform them.
Are you afraid lest you should not be able to hold on to the end, lest, after having thought yourself a child of God, you should prove a castaway? If that is your state, take this word of grace to the throne and plead it: "The mountains may depart, and the hills may be removed, but the covenant of My love shall not depart from thee."
If you have lost the sweet sense of the Saviour's presence, and are seeking Him with a sorrowful heart, remember the promises: "Return unto Me, and I will return unto you;" "For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee."
Reinforce your faith upon God's own word, and whatever your fears or wants, return to the Bank of Faith with your Father's promise, saying, "Remember the word unto Thy servant, upon which Thou hast caused me to hope."
Charles Spurgeon
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Mark of the Beast
When I think about the Saints of old, the Patriarchs, the Prophets of God, and those who walked by faith in God and I compare them to modern man and how he walks by faith in himself, I can see what John was referring to when he wrote in Revelation about the Mark of the Beast 666 being the number of man.
I believe this symbolizes the worship of self. This is the “Age of Self.” Self has replaced God on the Throne. Self sits on the throne in the hearts of men and women. You can see it in the world and you can see it in the church.
The Beast of Revelation 13:18 is in the churches, sitting in the pews, standing in the pulpits. He sits on the thrones of their hearts. They have already taken his number and they are sealed.
This is what Jesus said in Luke 18:8. Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said, And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Jesus’ question here is whether upon His return believers will still be looking for Him. In asking this question, Jesus is exhorting believers not to lose heart.
And men and women all throughout history have had to choose whether to worship the Beast (system) or to worship God. And those who serve the system and are having their “best lives now” have already taken the mark and are sealed and are worshiping the Beast. And those who are born from above and are following Christ are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
I believe this symbolizes the worship of self. This is the “Age of Self.” Self has replaced God on the Throne. Self sits on the throne in the hearts of men and women. You can see it in the world and you can see it in the church.
The Beast of Revelation 13:18 is in the churches, sitting in the pews, standing in the pulpits. He sits on the thrones of their hearts. They have already taken his number and they are sealed.
This is what Jesus said in Luke 18:8. Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said, And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Jesus’ question here is whether upon His return believers will still be looking for Him. In asking this question, Jesus is exhorting believers not to lose heart.
And men and women all throughout history have had to choose whether to worship the Beast (system) or to worship God. And those who serve the system and are having their “best lives now” have already taken the mark and are sealed and are worshiping the Beast. And those who are born from above and are following Christ are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Temptation: The Two Adams Contrasted
Both Adam and Christ faced three aspects of temptation, Adam yielded, bringing upon humankind sin and death. Christ resisted, resulting in justification and life.
"The lust of the flesh" -- 1 John 2:16 "The tree was good for food -- Genesis 3:6 First Adam
"Command this stone to become bread" Luke 4:1 - 13 Second Adam Christ
"The lust of the eyes" -- "It was pleasant to the eyes" -- "the devil showed him all the kingdoms"
"The pride of life" -- "A tree desirable to make one wise" -- "throw yourself down from here"
"The lust of the flesh" -- 1 John 2:16 "The tree was good for food -- Genesis 3:6 First Adam
"Command this stone to become bread" Luke 4:1 - 13 Second Adam Christ
"The lust of the eyes" -- "It was pleasant to the eyes" -- "the devil showed him all the kingdoms"
"The pride of life" -- "A tree desirable to make one wise" -- "throw yourself down from here"
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Source of Apostasy - Seducing Spirits
All false religion propagate doctrine energized by seducing spirits. False religion is the playground of demons. Second Corinthians tells us that Satan and his angels disguise themselves as angels of light and become the purveyors of various religions (2 Cor. 11:14).
Leviticus 17:7 The Lord Himself says that whatever men sacrifice to idols is in fact being sacrificed to demons (Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 96:5; Psalm 106:36 and 37).
1 Cor. 10:20 and 21 Paul said that those who come to the Lord's Table and then go worship at some pagan religious shrine, are fellow shipping with both the Lord and demons. False religious systems and the various idols that accompany them are simply focal points for demonic activity. We should not naively think that a false religion is simply a collection of misguided ideas. Realize that energizing it behind the scenes are fallen angels who are seducing people from the truth into an eternal hell.
Leviticus 17:7 The Lord Himself says that whatever men sacrifice to idols is in fact being sacrificed to demons (Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 96:5; Psalm 106:36 and 37).
1 Cor. 10:20 and 21 Paul said that those who come to the Lord's Table and then go worship at some pagan religious shrine, are fellow shipping with both the Lord and demons. False religious systems and the various idols that accompany them are simply focal points for demonic activity. We should not naively think that a false religion is simply a collection of misguided ideas. Realize that energizing it behind the scenes are fallen angels who are seducing people from the truth into an eternal hell.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Seducing Spirits
The Great Apostasy -
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
To be an excellent servant of Christ, it is important that we have a good understanding of apostasy.
One example of apostasy would be the account of Amazia, king of Judah. He was king during the time of Isaiah the prophet. 2 Chron. 25:2 says, "he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart." On the outside he did everything in that was required in accord with the religion of Israel. He understood it and he behaved by its ethics, but "not with a willing heart." On the outside he looked good, but he did not have a personal relationship with the living God. He was soon lured away into idolatry and began to worship the gods of Edom, to which he bowed down and burned incense (2 Chron. 25:14). He was murdered by his own people after turning away from the Lord 2 Chron. 25:27).
Apostasy happens today just as it did in the Old Testament and in the church at Ephesus, where Timothy was when Paul wrote this letter. There are always people who understand the faith intellectually according to the revelation of God, but have no heart for living to please God. Hebrews 3:12 says that those who depart from God demonstrate an unbelieving heart.
Paul states in 1 Timothy 4:1 that some - like Judas, Demas, or the disciples of John 6 who walked no more with Christ - " shall depart from the faith" (Greek, aphistemi, "to remove yourself from the position you originally occupied"). Apostasy isn't an unintentional departure or someone struggling with doubt. It characterizes someone who deliberately abandons truth once affirmed for erroneous teaching. "The faith" refers specifically to the body of Christian doctrine, not the act of believing. Some will depart from "the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). People who understand and outwardly affirm Christian doctrine but don't have a heart for God are prime candidates for being seduced by demons to depart from the faith.
An apostate is not someone who never knew the truth but someone who knew it and rejected it. He may have even been involved in various religious activities. But because he never truly knew God, he was lured away by the siren voices of the demons behind idols and false religious systems.
(Understanding the Seducing Spirit by John MacArthur)
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
To be an excellent servant of Christ, it is important that we have a good understanding of apostasy.
One example of apostasy would be the account of Amazia, king of Judah. He was king during the time of Isaiah the prophet. 2 Chron. 25:2 says, "he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart." On the outside he did everything in that was required in accord with the religion of Israel. He understood it and he behaved by its ethics, but "not with a willing heart." On the outside he looked good, but he did not have a personal relationship with the living God. He was soon lured away into idolatry and began to worship the gods of Edom, to which he bowed down and burned incense (2 Chron. 25:14). He was murdered by his own people after turning away from the Lord 2 Chron. 25:27).
Apostasy happens today just as it did in the Old Testament and in the church at Ephesus, where Timothy was when Paul wrote this letter. There are always people who understand the faith intellectually according to the revelation of God, but have no heart for living to please God. Hebrews 3:12 says that those who depart from God demonstrate an unbelieving heart.
Paul states in 1 Timothy 4:1 that some - like Judas, Demas, or the disciples of John 6 who walked no more with Christ - " shall depart from the faith" (Greek, aphistemi, "to remove yourself from the position you originally occupied"). Apostasy isn't an unintentional departure or someone struggling with doubt. It characterizes someone who deliberately abandons truth once affirmed for erroneous teaching. "The faith" refers specifically to the body of Christian doctrine, not the act of believing. Some will depart from "the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). People who understand and outwardly affirm Christian doctrine but don't have a heart for God are prime candidates for being seduced by demons to depart from the faith.
An apostate is not someone who never knew the truth but someone who knew it and rejected it. He may have even been involved in various religious activities. But because he never truly knew God, he was lured away by the siren voices of the demons behind idols and false religious systems.
(Understanding the Seducing Spirit by John MacArthur)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Important?
The resurrection of Jesus is important for several reasons. First, it witnesses to the immense power of God Himself. To believe in the resurrection is to believe in God. If God exists, and if He created the universe and has power over it, He has power to raise the dead. If He does not have such power, He is not a God worthy of our faith and worship. Only He who created life can resurrect it after death, only He can reverse the hideousness that is death itself, and only He can remove the sting that is death and the victory that is the grave’s (1 Corinthians 15:54-55). In resurrecting Jesus from the grave, God reminds us of His absolute sovereignty over life and death.
Second, the resurrection of Jesus is a testimony to the resurrection of human beings, which is a basic tenet of the Christian faith. Unlike all other religions, Christianity alone possesses a founder who transcends death and who promises that His followers will do the same. All other religions were founded by men and prophets whose end was the grave. As Christians, we take comfort in the fact that our God became man, died for our sins, and was resurrected the third day. The grave could not hold Him. He lives, and He sits today at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul explains in detail the importance of the resurrection of Christ. Some in Corinth did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, and in this chapter Paul gives six disastrous consequences if there were no resurrection: 1) preaching Christ would be senseless (v. 14); 2) faith in Christ would be useless (v. 14); 3) all the witnesses and preachers of the resurrection would be liars (v. 15); 4) no one would be redeemed from sin (v. 17); 5) all former believers would have perished (v.18); and 6) Christians would be the most pitiable people on the earth (v. 19). But Christ indeed has risen from the dead and “has become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (v. 20), assuring that we will follow Him in resurrection.
The inspired Word of God guarantees the believer's resurrection at the coming of Jesus Christ for His Body (the Church) at the Rapture. Such hope and assurance results in a great song of triumph as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:55, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
How do these concluding verses relate to the importance of the resurrection? Paul answers, “...you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (v. 58). He reminds us that because we know we will be resurrected to new life, we can suffer persecution and danger for Christ’s sake (vv. 29-31), just as He did. We can follow the example of the thousands of martyrs through history who gladly traded their earthly lives for everlasting life via the resurrection.
The resurrection is the triumphant and glorious victory for every believer. Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose the third day according to the Scripture. And, He is coming again! The dead in Christ will be raised up, and those who remain and are alive at His coming will be changed and receive new, glorified bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Why is the resurrection of Jesus Christ important to salvation? It demonstrated that God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. It proves that God has the power to raise us from the dead. It guarantees that those who believe in Christ will not remain dead, but will be resurrected unto eternal life. That is our blessed hope!
Recommended Resource: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas.
Second, the resurrection of Jesus is a testimony to the resurrection of human beings, which is a basic tenet of the Christian faith. Unlike all other religions, Christianity alone possesses a founder who transcends death and who promises that His followers will do the same. All other religions were founded by men and prophets whose end was the grave. As Christians, we take comfort in the fact that our God became man, died for our sins, and was resurrected the third day. The grave could not hold Him. He lives, and He sits today at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul explains in detail the importance of the resurrection of Christ. Some in Corinth did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, and in this chapter Paul gives six disastrous consequences if there were no resurrection: 1) preaching Christ would be senseless (v. 14); 2) faith in Christ would be useless (v. 14); 3) all the witnesses and preachers of the resurrection would be liars (v. 15); 4) no one would be redeemed from sin (v. 17); 5) all former believers would have perished (v.18); and 6) Christians would be the most pitiable people on the earth (v. 19). But Christ indeed has risen from the dead and “has become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (v. 20), assuring that we will follow Him in resurrection.
The inspired Word of God guarantees the believer's resurrection at the coming of Jesus Christ for His Body (the Church) at the Rapture. Such hope and assurance results in a great song of triumph as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:55, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
How do these concluding verses relate to the importance of the resurrection? Paul answers, “...you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (v. 58). He reminds us that because we know we will be resurrected to new life, we can suffer persecution and danger for Christ’s sake (vv. 29-31), just as He did. We can follow the example of the thousands of martyrs through history who gladly traded their earthly lives for everlasting life via the resurrection.
The resurrection is the triumphant and glorious victory for every believer. Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose the third day according to the Scripture. And, He is coming again! The dead in Christ will be raised up, and those who remain and are alive at His coming will be changed and receive new, glorified bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Why is the resurrection of Jesus Christ important to salvation? It demonstrated that God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. It proves that God has the power to raise us from the dead. It guarantees that those who believe in Christ will not remain dead, but will be resurrected unto eternal life. That is our blessed hope!
Recommended Resource: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
'Take Heed What You Hear" and Read!
More than forty years ago the saintly Adolph Saphir wrote, “I think the fewer books we read—the better. It is like times of cholera, when we should only drink filtered water.” What would he say if he were on earth today and glanced over the deadly poison sent forth by the heterodox, and the lifeless rubbish put out by the orthodox? Christian reader, if you value the health of your soul, cease hearing and quit reading all that is lifeless, unctionless, powerless, no matter what prominent or popular name be attached thereto. Life is too short to waste valuable time on that which does not profit. Ninety-nine out of every hundred of the religious books, booklets, and magazines now being published, are not worth the paper on which they are printed!
To turn away from the lifeless preachers and publishers of the day—may involve a real cross. Your motives will be misconstrued, your words perverted, and your actions misinterpreted. The sharp arrows of false report will be directed against you. You will be called proud and self-righteous, because you refuse to fellowship empty professors. You will be termed censorious and bitter—if you condemn in plain speech—the subtle delusions of Satan. You will be dubbed narrow-minded and uncharitable, because you refuse to join in singing the praises of the “great” and “popular” men of the day. More and more, you will be made to painfully realize—that the path which leads unto eternal life is “narrow” and that FEW there are who find it. May the Lord be pleased to grant unto each of us—the hearing ear and obedient heart! “Take heed what you hear” and read!
A.W. Pink (1886 - 1952)
To turn away from the lifeless preachers and publishers of the day—may involve a real cross. Your motives will be misconstrued, your words perverted, and your actions misinterpreted. The sharp arrows of false report will be directed against you. You will be called proud and self-righteous, because you refuse to fellowship empty professors. You will be termed censorious and bitter—if you condemn in plain speech—the subtle delusions of Satan. You will be dubbed narrow-minded and uncharitable, because you refuse to join in singing the praises of the “great” and “popular” men of the day. More and more, you will be made to painfully realize—that the path which leads unto eternal life is “narrow” and that FEW there are who find it. May the Lord be pleased to grant unto each of us—the hearing ear and obedient heart! “Take heed what you hear” and read!
A.W. Pink (1886 - 1952)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Fleecing Young Sheep
Read between the lines, folks. These new Emergent Church leaders are after the souls of your children! They are selling their books and CDs and preaching a message that will send your kids straight to Hell! This is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Louis Giglio says that God has a plan for your life! He gives a positive and encouraging message. He said the secret is in the laminin. The secret is in a protein molecule called laminin. A molecular biologist told him that it's the glue that holds the human body together. A molecular structure, a cell adhesion molecule. He displayed a huge picture of laminin. It's in the shape of a cross.
This is a new breed of false teachers. They are using technology to wow the sheep. They use music to reinforce the message. They go to seminary and study the bible enough to learn which scriptures they can misapply to whatever the trend of the day is. They make it appealing to their audience. A "positive and encouraging" message.
This false teacher did not mention one word about the Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus!
Below is an ad I found on Amazon where he's selling his books. You decide for yourself what he's all about. Looks like he's all about ME!
Louis Giglio says that God has a plan for your life! He gives a positive and encouraging message. He said the secret is in the laminin. The secret is in a protein molecule called laminin. A molecular biologist told him that it's the glue that holds the human body together. A molecular structure, a cell adhesion molecule. He displayed a huge picture of laminin. It's in the shape of a cross.
This is a new breed of false teachers. They are using technology to wow the sheep. They use music to reinforce the message. They go to seminary and study the bible enough to learn which scriptures they can misapply to whatever the trend of the day is. They make it appealing to their audience. A "positive and encouraging" message.
This false teacher did not mention one word about the Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus!
Below is an ad I found on Amazon where he's selling his books. You decide for yourself what he's all about. Looks like he's all about ME!
"Louie Giglio: How Great Is Our God - DVD
A full-length message on DVD from Passion founder Louie Giglio recorded on the Passion tour
Recorded on Chris Tomlin's How Great is Our God tour.
Your life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows you by name...
He's big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the trillions of cells that make up every facet of who you are. The God who spoke the universe into existence made you, too, and knows everything about you. From the smallest molecule to the situation you find yourself in right now, He's aware of your circumstances and intimately acquainted with everything you do. And He cares about you and promises to carry you through.
That's where we find hope in the midst of the darkest places in life. The journey often complicated and painful, filled with confusion and chaos. Yet, the cross of Christ reveals God's promise to preserve and restore you no matter what the circumstance. He will hold onto you and hold you together, giving strength to those who hope in His unfailing love.
He is the everlasting God!
Get the Louie Giglio Pack and save!
The Passion movement and the messages of founder Louie Giglio have impacted the lives of millions of people around the globe, calling people everywhere to live for the glory of God. Focused on the collegiate age group - yet spilling over to people of all ages - Passion exists to unite students for spiritual awakening in this generation. From its' inception, the movement of Passion has birthed new anthems of worship, influencing countless churches and helping to define the current worship climate and establish artists Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, Charlie Hall, Matt Redman and others.
For the first time, Louie's messages are now available in The Passion Talk Series DVD's. Each DVD contains a full length message from Louie Giglio."
What is Truth?
"Everyone that is of the truth hears My Voice.' Pilate answered, 'What is truth?' And then he went out again..." (John 18:37,38ff).
We are often unprepared for Truth, which is why Truth is revealed to us progressively. We must "grow up into Him" - we could not handle it otherwise. Even the little bit of Truth which is revealed to us often upsets us at our deepest foundations. We must be willing to live with the uncertainty and pain which Truth brings. Here again is another point in which many people turn back. People prefer ignorant bliss to uncomfortable Truth. Now that they have been given the Truth, it is too painful or inconvenient to deal with. They either fall back into their former ignorance or they rationalize or dilute the Truth until it is no longer Truth. They turn it into something which is more palatable and easily digested.
But if we accept the Truth, and totally give ourselves to it, it will begin to change us. We will begin to be conformed to it, and it will become less painful. I am convinced that if we refuse to accept the Truth we have been given then we will eventually lose it. Jesus concludes His parable of the talents by saying, "The one that has will have more added to him, and the one who does not have will have what little he has taken away." The one who buries the Truth in the ground for safekeeping will lose it, while the one who does something with the Truth will receive more Truth. This is why some grow spiritually and some do not. Even though they may acknowledge the same Truth, they may not be willing to accept the consequences of being transformed by that Truth, thus what little they have soon becomes dead manna.
Chip Brogden - http://www.theschoolofchrist.org/
We are often unprepared for Truth, which is why Truth is revealed to us progressively. We must "grow up into Him" - we could not handle it otherwise. Even the little bit of Truth which is revealed to us often upsets us at our deepest foundations. We must be willing to live with the uncertainty and pain which Truth brings. Here again is another point in which many people turn back. People prefer ignorant bliss to uncomfortable Truth. Now that they have been given the Truth, it is too painful or inconvenient to deal with. They either fall back into their former ignorance or they rationalize or dilute the Truth until it is no longer Truth. They turn it into something which is more palatable and easily digested.
But if we accept the Truth, and totally give ourselves to it, it will begin to change us. We will begin to be conformed to it, and it will become less painful. I am convinced that if we refuse to accept the Truth we have been given then we will eventually lose it. Jesus concludes His parable of the talents by saying, "The one that has will have more added to him, and the one who does not have will have what little he has taken away." The one who buries the Truth in the ground for safekeeping will lose it, while the one who does something with the Truth will receive more Truth. This is why some grow spiritually and some do not. Even though they may acknowledge the same Truth, they may not be willing to accept the consequences of being transformed by that Truth, thus what little they have soon becomes dead manna.
Chip Brogden - http://www.theschoolofchrist.org/
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Role of a Prophet
Question: What is the role of a prophet of God?
- To reveal the nature and atrributes of God.
- To make known to m en the laws of God.
- To call people back to obedience and worship of God.
- To warn of devine judgment upon sin.
- To foretell of devine judgment upon sin.
- To fortell future events which God wills.
- To equip the Saints for service.
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Day of the Lord - Repentance - Judgment - Restoration
Zephania, Prophet of God
The first time I read this book of the bible was when I was looking through another book that was written about the bible and it happened to be lying open at this spot. Upon reading it I discovered the following:
The theme of the book: The Day of the Lord – Repentance – Judgment – Restoration
The name Zephaniah means “The Lord Hides.”
The key text: Chapter 3:17 …He will joy over thee with singing.” This is the first time I ever noticed anywhere in Scripture the Lord “singing.” I thought this is such a joyful event to the Lord that it causes Him to sing! This puzzled me because I always thought of the Day of the Lord as the day of judgment and that would give me chills just thinking about it.
I read on and found the key theme is “The Day of the Lord.”
Zephaniah prophesied coming judgment against the nations. His main message was against Judah, whose sins were so serious that they would go into exile on “the Day of the Lord,” but later they would be restored to righteousness.
Zephaniah argued that the coming Day of the Lord would involve God’s judgment on God’s people, as well as on pagan nations. God would later restore a remnant who would then worship Him forever as the King of Israel. (Could this be referring to Christ’s second coming? Look how rampant apostasy is…just like it was in Israel before God sent them into captivity in Babylon).
The people of Judah had sinned greatly, particularly the RELIGIOUS and POLITICAL leaders. (Does this sound familiar)?
Zephaniah 3:15 The Lord has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall see disaster no more.
It teaches about humanity…it teaches about restoration…it refers to covenant people. (Was this fulfilled by Jesus in the New Covenant)? Is 3:15 referring when Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within you. Mark 15:26 THE KING OF THE JEWS (the sign they nailed to His cross).
As Judah did not recognize the presence of the divine king in their circumstances, so many Jewish leaders failed to recognize the presence of God in Jesus Christ.
The events that were taking place at this time in Israel’s history can be found in 2 Kings 22 – 23 and 2 Chronicles 34 – 35. It was during Josiah’s reign. There was a shift in world power that moved from Assyria and Egypt to Babylon. The most significant religious event in Judah was the “revival” and restoration of temple worship led by Josiah.
It was a decisive turning point in God’s dealings with people. The Day of the Lord will not reach its fullest expression until the days before Christ’s return. God’s plan to be the King in the midst of His people is a magnificent prophecy that will ultimately be fulfilled in the final expression of God’s kingdom. The last two chapters of the bible describe the complete realization of this promise.
He attacked the sins of the elite princes, priests, judges and false prophets and the religious corruption. His message fits the period of religious and social corruption present during the early rule of Josiah (2 Kings 22 – 23).
Judgment on Judah and the Nations appears inevitable.
The prophet even portrays God with searchlamps as He exposes the corruption of the city (Jerusalem) and marks it for His certain judgment (Zeph. 1:12).
Is this a message to His elect: Zeph. 2:3 …hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.
Geneva Bible – Zeph 2:3 Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORDS anger. (Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth. To seek righteousness is to seek Jesus. He is our Righteousness).
Overlooked theme is that of the happiness of God! God’s pleasure in the full ingathering of his people Zeph. 3:17.
Zeph. 3:9 – 13
The focus of the text moves to a time of national regeneration and restoration. Pure language refers to language used in the pure worship of God. One day human language will become a unifying element in the true worship of God. (Could this be referring to a reversal of when God confused the languages in Genesis 11:9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.)
The first time I read this book of the bible was when I was looking through another book that was written about the bible and it happened to be lying open at this spot. Upon reading it I discovered the following:
The theme of the book: The Day of the Lord – Repentance – Judgment – Restoration
The name Zephaniah means “The Lord Hides.”
The key text: Chapter 3:17 …He will joy over thee with singing.” This is the first time I ever noticed anywhere in Scripture the Lord “singing.” I thought this is such a joyful event to the Lord that it causes Him to sing! This puzzled me because I always thought of the Day of the Lord as the day of judgment and that would give me chills just thinking about it.
I read on and found the key theme is “The Day of the Lord.”
Zephaniah prophesied coming judgment against the nations. His main message was against Judah, whose sins were so serious that they would go into exile on “the Day of the Lord,” but later they would be restored to righteousness.
Zephaniah argued that the coming Day of the Lord would involve God’s judgment on God’s people, as well as on pagan nations. God would later restore a remnant who would then worship Him forever as the King of Israel. (Could this be referring to Christ’s second coming? Look how rampant apostasy is…just like it was in Israel before God sent them into captivity in Babylon).
The people of Judah had sinned greatly, particularly the RELIGIOUS and POLITICAL leaders. (Does this sound familiar)?
Zephaniah 3:15 The Lord has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall see disaster no more.
It teaches about humanity…it teaches about restoration…it refers to covenant people. (Was this fulfilled by Jesus in the New Covenant)? Is 3:15 referring when Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within you. Mark 15:26 THE KING OF THE JEWS (the sign they nailed to His cross).
As Judah did not recognize the presence of the divine king in their circumstances, so many Jewish leaders failed to recognize the presence of God in Jesus Christ.
The events that were taking place at this time in Israel’s history can be found in 2 Kings 22 – 23 and 2 Chronicles 34 – 35. It was during Josiah’s reign. There was a shift in world power that moved from Assyria and Egypt to Babylon. The most significant religious event in Judah was the “revival” and restoration of temple worship led by Josiah.
It was a decisive turning point in God’s dealings with people. The Day of the Lord will not reach its fullest expression until the days before Christ’s return. God’s plan to be the King in the midst of His people is a magnificent prophecy that will ultimately be fulfilled in the final expression of God’s kingdom. The last two chapters of the bible describe the complete realization of this promise.
He attacked the sins of the elite princes, priests, judges and false prophets and the religious corruption. His message fits the period of religious and social corruption present during the early rule of Josiah (2 Kings 22 – 23).
Judgment on Judah and the Nations appears inevitable.
The prophet even portrays God with searchlamps as He exposes the corruption of the city (Jerusalem) and marks it for His certain judgment (Zeph. 1:12).
Is this a message to His elect: Zeph. 2:3 …hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.
Geneva Bible – Zeph 2:3 Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORDS anger. (Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth. To seek righteousness is to seek Jesus. He is our Righteousness).
Overlooked theme is that of the happiness of God! God’s pleasure in the full ingathering of his people Zeph. 3:17.
Zeph. 3:9 – 13
The focus of the text moves to a time of national regeneration and restoration. Pure language refers to language used in the pure worship of God. One day human language will become a unifying element in the true worship of God. (Could this be referring to a reversal of when God confused the languages in Genesis 11:9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Golden Lampstand Church will be Destroyed
Chinese Land Official Says 'Golden Lampstand Church will be Destroyed'
SHANXI, China, March 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- A symbol of unity for the 50,000-member Linfen Church Network, the central church building Jindengtai (Golden Lampstand) towers over the neighboring buildings in Linfen City. The building was confiscated by the Chinese government in the aftermath of the bloody attack and destruction of Fushan Church in September, 2009. Military police continue to surround the building around the clock, with soldiers stationed inside the building to prevent church members from gathering or entering. Now devastation is about to strike again.
On March 4, 2010, an official from the Land Resources Bureau of Yaodu District, in Linfen City, informed a ChinaAid contact that the "Golden Lampstand" Church will soon be destroyed by the Chinese government. The six-story Golden Lampstand Church (Jindengtai) is worth over 10 million Yuan ($1.5 million) and has been the central meeting location for Linfen Church members for more than a decade.
The tragic news is just one more blow by the Chinese Government. After the bloody crackdown on Fushan Church, subsequent arrests by military police resulted in the indictment and trials for five Linfen pastors, resulting in severe prison sentences. Five other Linfen pastors were sentenced to two years each Re-education through Labor. All ten pastors filed appeals in January 2010. In February, the Linfen Courts formally rejected the appeals of the five prisoners. The five sentenced to Re-education through labor still await news of their appeals.
Linfen Church members are now mobilizing for fervent prayer. They call on the churches around the globe to pray and have further asked ChinaAid to express their gratitude to the international community for the care, support, and intercessory prayers given in the past few months.
ChinaAid urges the international community to contact the local authorities and protest the destruction of Jindengtai. We call on believers around the world to pray for the end of persecution against the Linfen House Church, and the restoration of their property and buildings.
Call on the Chinese authorities to protest the government demolition of Golden Lampstand Church:
Land Resources Bureau of Yaodu District, Linfen City
Tel: +86-357-201-3263
Raodu District People's Government contact:
Tel: 86-357-222-8559
E-mail: info@yaodu.gov.cn
For more ways to get involved, visit
See Full Release.
ChinaAid grants permission to reproduce photos and/or information for non-fundraising purposes, with the provision that www.ChinaAid.org is credited. Please contact: Annee@ChinaAid.org for further information.
Christian Newswire
SHANXI, China, March 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- A symbol of unity for the 50,000-member Linfen Church Network, the central church building Jindengtai (Golden Lampstand) towers over the neighboring buildings in Linfen City. The building was confiscated by the Chinese government in the aftermath of the bloody attack and destruction of Fushan Church in September, 2009. Military police continue to surround the building around the clock, with soldiers stationed inside the building to prevent church members from gathering or entering. Now devastation is about to strike again.
On March 4, 2010, an official from the Land Resources Bureau of Yaodu District, in Linfen City, informed a ChinaAid contact that the "Golden Lampstand" Church will soon be destroyed by the Chinese government. The six-story Golden Lampstand Church (Jindengtai) is worth over 10 million Yuan ($1.5 million) and has been the central meeting location for Linfen Church members for more than a decade.
The tragic news is just one more blow by the Chinese Government. After the bloody crackdown on Fushan Church, subsequent arrests by military police resulted in the indictment and trials for five Linfen pastors, resulting in severe prison sentences. Five other Linfen pastors were sentenced to two years each Re-education through Labor. All ten pastors filed appeals in January 2010. In February, the Linfen Courts formally rejected the appeals of the five prisoners. The five sentenced to Re-education through labor still await news of their appeals.
Linfen Church members are now mobilizing for fervent prayer. They call on the churches around the globe to pray and have further asked ChinaAid to express their gratitude to the international community for the care, support, and intercessory prayers given in the past few months.
ChinaAid urges the international community to contact the local authorities and protest the destruction of Jindengtai. We call on believers around the world to pray for the end of persecution against the Linfen House Church, and the restoration of their property and buildings.
Call on the Chinese authorities to protest the government demolition of Golden Lampstand Church:
Land Resources Bureau of Yaodu District, Linfen City
Tel: +86-357-201-3263
Raodu District People's Government contact:
Tel: 86-357-222-8559
E-mail: info@yaodu.gov.cn
For more ways to get involved, visit
See Full Release.
ChinaAid grants permission to reproduce photos and/or information for non-fundraising purposes, with the provision that www.ChinaAid.org is credited. Please contact: Annee@ChinaAid.org for further information.
Christian Newswire
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Tribulation which is in Jesus - Zac Poonen
In Revelation 1:9-10, John refers to himself as a "fellow-partaker in the tribulation which is in Jesus". Every wholehearted disciple of Jesus should be prepared to partake in the "tribulation which is in Jesus", as long as he is in this world. John did not get this unveiling while living in comfort. He received it, while experiencing tribulation at Patmos, because he had been faithful to "the word of God and the testimony of Jesus" (Rev. 1:9). He had to experience tribulation himself in order to be able to write about the saints experiencing the great tribulation from the Antichrist in the last days. God takes us through trials and tribulations first before giving us a ministry to others who are facing tribulation. Paul said, "God encourages us in all our affliction so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction, with the (same) encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God" (2 Cor.1:4 - Amplified).
It is not surprising therefore that the doctrine that Jesus would come secretly and take (rapture) His church out of the world, before the great tribulation, arose for the first time in a country (England) where Christians were living in comfort, and at a time (mid-19th century) when they were not facing any persecution for their faith at all. Today this doctrine continues to be proclaimed and believed by Christians who live in ease and comfort, in countries where there is no persecution against Christians at all. Since the prayers of most Christians are basically of this order : "Lord make my life more comfortable on earth", it is not surprising that they have gladly accepted this teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Thus Satan has succeeded in lulling multitudes of Christians with a false comfort, so that they will be unprepared for the great tribulation when it does come upon them.
The words of Jesus are clear: "In the world YOU HAVE TRIBULATION. But take courage; I have overcome the world" (Jn.16:33). He never promised that we would escape tribulation - whether small tribulations or the great one. But He did say that we could overcome even as He overcame. He is far more interested in making us overcomers than in saving us out of tribulation, because He is far more interested in our character than in our comfort. Neither did Jesus ever say that escaping the great tribulation was a reward for faithfulness, as some teach. On the contrary, He said that those who forsook everything to follow Him would have even more tribulations than others who didn't follow Him (Mk.10:30). When He prayed to His Father for His disciples, He said, "I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil." (Jn.17:15). He did NOT want His disciples to be raptured out of the world at that time, just because they were going to face tribulation.
In the 3rd-century when Christians were being thrown to the lions in the Roman amphitheatres and being burnt at the stake in different parts of the Roman empire, the Lord did not rescue them from such tribulations. The God Who shut the lions' mouths and took away the power of the fiery furnace in Daniel's day, did NOT do such miracles for these disciples of Jesus - for these were new-covenant Christians who were going to glorify God through death. Like Jesus their Master, they neither asked for, nor expected twelve legions of angels to come and protect them from their enemies.
From heaven, God watched the Bride of His Son being torn to pieces by lions and being burnt to ashes; and He was glorified in their testimony - for they had "followed the Lamb, wherever He went", even unto a violent physical death (Rev.14:4). The only word that the Lord spoke to them was, "Be faithful until death and I will give you a crown of life." (Rev.2:10). Even today, when the disciples of Jesus are being tortured and persecuted for His Name in many lands, the Lord does not take them away from the earth. And He will not rapture us to heaven before the great tribulation either. He will do something far better. He will make us overcomers in the midst of the great tribulation.
Jesus is far more interested in saving us from evil than in saving us from tribulation. He permits us to go through tribulation because He knows that that is the only way that we can become spiritually strong. Such a message is strange teaching indeed to a comfort-loving Christendom that has been coddled in their pews every Sunday for years by ear-tickling preachers. But this is the message that the apostles preached to the early churches. "They (the apostles Paul and Barnabas) strengthened the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, saying, 'Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.'" (Acts 14:22). The little trials that we face at home and at work now, are but a preparation for the greater ones that will come in the days to come. That is why it is essential that we are faithful now. For God says, "If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses?" (Jer.12:5).
John speaks here about being a "fellow-partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus" (Rev 1:9). We have to enter into fellowship with Jesus in tribulation first, before we can share His throne with Him in His kingdom. Perseverance is a great virtue that is emphasised throughout the New Testament. Jesus Himself said "They will deliver you to tribulation.....but the one who endures to the end shall be saved" (Mt.24:13).
It is not surprising therefore that the doctrine that Jesus would come secretly and take (rapture) His church out of the world, before the great tribulation, arose for the first time in a country (England) where Christians were living in comfort, and at a time (mid-19th century) when they were not facing any persecution for their faith at all. Today this doctrine continues to be proclaimed and believed by Christians who live in ease and comfort, in countries where there is no persecution against Christians at all. Since the prayers of most Christians are basically of this order : "Lord make my life more comfortable on earth", it is not surprising that they have gladly accepted this teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Thus Satan has succeeded in lulling multitudes of Christians with a false comfort, so that they will be unprepared for the great tribulation when it does come upon them.
The words of Jesus are clear: "In the world YOU HAVE TRIBULATION. But take courage; I have overcome the world" (Jn.16:33). He never promised that we would escape tribulation - whether small tribulations or the great one. But He did say that we could overcome even as He overcame. He is far more interested in making us overcomers than in saving us out of tribulation, because He is far more interested in our character than in our comfort. Neither did Jesus ever say that escaping the great tribulation was a reward for faithfulness, as some teach. On the contrary, He said that those who forsook everything to follow Him would have even more tribulations than others who didn't follow Him (Mk.10:30). When He prayed to His Father for His disciples, He said, "I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil." (Jn.17:15). He did NOT want His disciples to be raptured out of the world at that time, just because they were going to face tribulation.
In the 3rd-century when Christians were being thrown to the lions in the Roman amphitheatres and being burnt at the stake in different parts of the Roman empire, the Lord did not rescue them from such tribulations. The God Who shut the lions' mouths and took away the power of the fiery furnace in Daniel's day, did NOT do such miracles for these disciples of Jesus - for these were new-covenant Christians who were going to glorify God through death. Like Jesus their Master, they neither asked for, nor expected twelve legions of angels to come and protect them from their enemies.
From heaven, God watched the Bride of His Son being torn to pieces by lions and being burnt to ashes; and He was glorified in their testimony - for they had "followed the Lamb, wherever He went", even unto a violent physical death (Rev.14:4). The only word that the Lord spoke to them was, "Be faithful until death and I will give you a crown of life." (Rev.2:10). Even today, when the disciples of Jesus are being tortured and persecuted for His Name in many lands, the Lord does not take them away from the earth. And He will not rapture us to heaven before the great tribulation either. He will do something far better. He will make us overcomers in the midst of the great tribulation.
Jesus is far more interested in saving us from evil than in saving us from tribulation. He permits us to go through tribulation because He knows that that is the only way that we can become spiritually strong. Such a message is strange teaching indeed to a comfort-loving Christendom that has been coddled in their pews every Sunday for years by ear-tickling preachers. But this is the message that the apostles preached to the early churches. "They (the apostles Paul and Barnabas) strengthened the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, saying, 'Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.'" (Acts 14:22). The little trials that we face at home and at work now, are but a preparation for the greater ones that will come in the days to come. That is why it is essential that we are faithful now. For God says, "If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses?" (Jer.12:5).
John speaks here about being a "fellow-partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus" (Rev 1:9). We have to enter into fellowship with Jesus in tribulation first, before we can share His throne with Him in His kingdom. Perseverance is a great virtue that is emphasised throughout the New Testament. Jesus Himself said "They will deliver you to tribulation.....but the one who endures to the end shall be saved" (Mt.24:13).
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Street Preachers Gunned Down After Sharing the Gospel!
Saints of God, this did not happen in a foreign country! It happened right here in the USA!
Faith Organizations to Address the Tragic Murders of Two Street Preachers in South Florida
BOYNTON BEACH, Fla., Feb. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The street preachers were gunned down on the public sidewalk in Boynton Beach, Florida after sharing the gospel with gang members.
** (Below is a copy of a news article of the shooting.)
The Christian Defense Coalition and the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission will be holding a news conference and prayer vigil on the same public sidewalk where the preachers were executed.
They will also be leaving flowers on the public sidewalk to honor the work and life of these heroic preachers.
The news conference will be held on Friday, February 19, at 11:00 A.M. at the 100 block of Southwest Second Ave. in Boynton Beach.
At the news conference, the groups will be:
*Calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to launch a federal investigation to see if these murders broke federal laws or federal civil rights statutes.
*Announcing plans for a rally and gospel witness on the exact spot where the two preachers were killed.
*Seeking a meeting with Boynton Beach police officials to see if they are pursing religious discrimination elements in this case.
*Seeking assurances that Christians preaching the gospel will be protected on the streets of Boynton Beach.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., states,
"We are coming to South Florida to first honor the lives and work of Mr. Ocean and Sufra. They were gunned down shortly after sharing God's love on the streets of Boynton Beach with struggling and hurting people.
"We are also coming to seek assurances that Christians preaching the Word of God on public streets will be protected by local and federal law enforcement officials and that any violations of federal laws and civil rights will be thoroughly investigated.
"Finally, the greatest tribute we can give these two preachers is organizing a prayer rally and day of publicly sharing the gospel on the streets of Boynton Beach. Something these men gave their lives for."
Dr. Gary Cass, Executive Director of the Christian Anti- Defamation Commission, shares,
"This senseless crime has made martyrs out of two fine young Christian preachers. Their courageous example has made us determined to not let their deaths be in vain.
"We cannot and will not allow the message of God's transforming love in Jesus Christ to be silenced anywhere in America."
For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735
Dr. Gary Cass 954.551.9770
Man arrested on charges of shooting street preachers in Boynton Beach
February 03, 2010 By Jerome Burdi, Sun Sentinel Boynton Beach -- Preaching the word of God brought two street ministers to the man who killed them, police said.
Jeriah Woody, 18, was arrested Wednesday and charged in the double murder in Boynton Beach.
According to police: Victims Tite Sufra, 24, and Stephen Ocean, 23, were shot and killed Saturday night after meeting Woody on Southwest First Street and Second Avenue standing under a tree.
They preached to him for 15 minutes when Woody got a phone call and told the preachers he had to go. They kept walking down Second Avenue when Woody suddenly started walking toward them. Sufra walked up to meet him and was met with a gunshot. Ocean then ran and was shot in the back.
When he fell, Woody shot him in the head, execution style, police said.
Police found Woody through his street name, Plug, and he was identified through a witness. Woody surrendered to police on Wednesday and was charged with two counts of first-degree murder.
According to Florida Department of Law Enforcement records, Woody has been arrested on burglary, theft and drug-related charges.
In her Boynton Beach home, Sufra's mother, Vertilia St. Remy, said her son left behind a widow, but would not comment further after being told not to by her daughter, who was "very shaken."
"Everybody loves him," St. Remy said.
Staff writer Erika Pesantes contributed to this report.
Jerome Burdi can be reached at
jburdi@SunSentinel.com or 561-243-6531.
Christian Newswire
Faith Organizations to Address the Tragic Murders of Two Street Preachers in South Florida
BOYNTON BEACH, Fla., Feb. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The street preachers were gunned down on the public sidewalk in Boynton Beach, Florida after sharing the gospel with gang members.
** (Below is a copy of a news article of the shooting.)
The Christian Defense Coalition and the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission will be holding a news conference and prayer vigil on the same public sidewalk where the preachers were executed.
They will also be leaving flowers on the public sidewalk to honor the work and life of these heroic preachers.
The news conference will be held on Friday, February 19, at 11:00 A.M. at the 100 block of Southwest Second Ave. in Boynton Beach.
At the news conference, the groups will be:
*Calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to launch a federal investigation to see if these murders broke federal laws or federal civil rights statutes.
*Announcing plans for a rally and gospel witness on the exact spot where the two preachers were killed.
*Seeking a meeting with Boynton Beach police officials to see if they are pursing religious discrimination elements in this case.
*Seeking assurances that Christians preaching the gospel will be protected on the streets of Boynton Beach.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., states,
"We are coming to South Florida to first honor the lives and work of Mr. Ocean and Sufra. They were gunned down shortly after sharing God's love on the streets of Boynton Beach with struggling and hurting people.
"We are also coming to seek assurances that Christians preaching the Word of God on public streets will be protected by local and federal law enforcement officials and that any violations of federal laws and civil rights will be thoroughly investigated.
"Finally, the greatest tribute we can give these two preachers is organizing a prayer rally and day of publicly sharing the gospel on the streets of Boynton Beach. Something these men gave their lives for."
Dr. Gary Cass, Executive Director of the Christian Anti- Defamation Commission, shares,
"This senseless crime has made martyrs out of two fine young Christian preachers. Their courageous example has made us determined to not let their deaths be in vain.
"We cannot and will not allow the message of God's transforming love in Jesus Christ to be silenced anywhere in America."
For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735
Dr. Gary Cass 954.551.9770
Man arrested on charges of shooting street preachers in Boynton Beach
February 03, 2010 By Jerome Burdi, Sun Sentinel Boynton Beach -- Preaching the word of God brought two street ministers to the man who killed them, police said.
Jeriah Woody, 18, was arrested Wednesday and charged in the double murder in Boynton Beach.
According to police: Victims Tite Sufra, 24, and Stephen Ocean, 23, were shot and killed Saturday night after meeting Woody on Southwest First Street and Second Avenue standing under a tree.
They preached to him for 15 minutes when Woody got a phone call and told the preachers he had to go. They kept walking down Second Avenue when Woody suddenly started walking toward them. Sufra walked up to meet him and was met with a gunshot. Ocean then ran and was shot in the back.
When he fell, Woody shot him in the head, execution style, police said.
Police found Woody through his street name, Plug, and he was identified through a witness. Woody surrendered to police on Wednesday and was charged with two counts of first-degree murder.
According to Florida Department of Law Enforcement records, Woody has been arrested on burglary, theft and drug-related charges.
In her Boynton Beach home, Sufra's mother, Vertilia St. Remy, said her son left behind a widow, but would not comment further after being told not to by her daughter, who was "very shaken."
"Everybody loves him," St. Remy said.
Staff writer Erika Pesantes contributed to this report.
Jerome Burdi can be reached at
jburdi@SunSentinel.com or 561-243-6531.
Christian Newswire
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Watchman Alert!
Explosive New Report Documents 'The Religious Face of the New World Order: From the Vatican to the White House to the United Religions Initiative'
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- A new report from the public policy group America's Survival, Inc. (ASI), headed by veteran investigative reporter Cliff Kincaid, explores how and why the Pope's call for a "World Political Authority" plays into the hands of those demanding a "New World Order" and increased power and authority for the United Nations. Author Lee Penn says, "The question is not whether there will be a New World Order. The question is who will control it, and for what ends." The Vatican, he argues, is determined to be a major global player.
Kincaid comments, "This report, with almost 300 endnotes, examines in detail how and why the Vatican has abandoned its resistance to a New World Order. This is a major sea change in world events and the global political order." Penn, who previously wrote the book, False Dawn, about global religion, notes in this report that "When the Pope agrees with Mikhail Gorbachev, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Henry Kissinger, the new President of the European Union, and other secular leaders on the need for global governance and a new world order, we can know that the world has indeed experienced a 'harmonic convergence' and entered a new age." Kincaid's introduction to the report goes into substantial detail about the roles being played in this unfolding international drama by the Obama Administration and financial hedge fund operator George Soros, who is pouring large sums of money into various politically active "Catholic" groups.
Penn observes the significance of what is happening:
In the past, the proponents of "global governance" have faced Papal skepticism or opposition. With the publication of Caritas in Veritate, Benedict XVI has himself come out strongly for a new world order. He might wish to put a new international system to different uses than those supported by Mikhail Gorbachev, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Henry Kissinger, or others -- but he agrees that a new international system, "a true world political authority," must come into being.
In the explosive report, Penn offers his own provocative theory of what is happening and why. World government, he argues, depends on a global religion. ASI President Kincaid adds, "On a basic level, this can be viewed as an attempt to bring together the world's Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. It is not clear how Islam will be integrated into this global system but the United Religions Initiative (URI) seems designed to accomplish this goal. As Lee Penn documents, the URI even included practitioners of Wicca (witchcraft) as well as an Islamic cleric convicted of rape."
While much of this seems inevitable, Kincaid says that opposition is emerging from traditional Christians, most especially conservative Catholics.
The 84-page report is available at www.usasurvival.org. Interviews are available with ASI President Cliff Kincaid and Lee Penn, the author of the report.
Christian Newswire
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- A new report from the public policy group America's Survival, Inc. (ASI), headed by veteran investigative reporter Cliff Kincaid, explores how and why the Pope's call for a "World Political Authority" plays into the hands of those demanding a "New World Order" and increased power and authority for the United Nations. Author Lee Penn says, "The question is not whether there will be a New World Order. The question is who will control it, and for what ends." The Vatican, he argues, is determined to be a major global player.
Kincaid comments, "This report, with almost 300 endnotes, examines in detail how and why the Vatican has abandoned its resistance to a New World Order. This is a major sea change in world events and the global political order." Penn, who previously wrote the book, False Dawn, about global religion, notes in this report that "When the Pope agrees with Mikhail Gorbachev, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Henry Kissinger, the new President of the European Union, and other secular leaders on the need for global governance and a new world order, we can know that the world has indeed experienced a 'harmonic convergence' and entered a new age." Kincaid's introduction to the report goes into substantial detail about the roles being played in this unfolding international drama by the Obama Administration and financial hedge fund operator George Soros, who is pouring large sums of money into various politically active "Catholic" groups.
Penn observes the significance of what is happening:
In the past, the proponents of "global governance" have faced Papal skepticism or opposition. With the publication of Caritas in Veritate, Benedict XVI has himself come out strongly for a new world order. He might wish to put a new international system to different uses than those supported by Mikhail Gorbachev, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Henry Kissinger, or others -- but he agrees that a new international system, "a true world political authority," must come into being.
In the explosive report, Penn offers his own provocative theory of what is happening and why. World government, he argues, depends on a global religion. ASI President Kincaid adds, "On a basic level, this can be viewed as an attempt to bring together the world's Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. It is not clear how Islam will be integrated into this global system but the United Religions Initiative (URI) seems designed to accomplish this goal. As Lee Penn documents, the URI even included practitioners of Wicca (witchcraft) as well as an Islamic cleric convicted of rape."
While much of this seems inevitable, Kincaid says that opposition is emerging from traditional Christians, most especially conservative Catholics.
The 84-page report is available at www.usasurvival.org. Interviews are available with ASI President Cliff Kincaid and Lee Penn, the author of the report.
Christian Newswire
Friday, February 12, 2010
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Did you know that there is a right way to study the Bible? Many Christians have fallen victim to so-called Bible teachers (crackpots)… and I will call them crackpots because that is just what they are. I believe that many of the modern prosperity preachers today are grounded in BAD doctrine, which is a result of the improper study of God’s Word. Their followers are their victims because they don’t take the time to verify for themselves what these false teachers write or tell them. They swallow it hook, line and sinker.
The Bible tells us in 1 Tim 5:17 Be diligent (study) to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
If you are not handling the word of God accurately, then you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. If you are going to handle it accurately, you have to be diligent, you have to work hard at it. It must be interpreted accurately and those that fail to do that have reason to be ashamed.
It’s hard work. That is why God has given teachers to the Church so that we can work hard in understanding God’s word and correctly instructing people in the scriptures through consistent, conscientious labor in the Word.
Those who are improperly teaching the saints invent theology as they speak. You should never, ever make a point at the price of a proper interpretation. Otherwise, you are the final authority and not the Word of God. We must protect the integrity of scripture by demanding a proper interpretation, otherwise it just feeds and promotes endless confusion.
The following are three areas that need to be avoided that are not always avoided in contemporary interpretation:
1. Do not make a point at the expense of a proper interpretation. Do not look for a verse to go with your message. Do not try to make the Bible fit with YOUR philosophy.
2. Don’t spiritualize or allegorize the text. This practice goes on with many well-known and popular TV preachers and other false movements, messianic movements, “churches.” It’s the invention of their own imaginations. This kind of preaching is a form of hucksterism. If you do that, you can spiritualize any text that will leave you with a fanciful conclusion. They are nothing more than a bunch of pulpit conmen (wolves in sheep’s clothing) ripping off God’s people spiritually and economically.
The correct approach is you need to go to Jesus and remember when he was walking on the road to Emmaus He said that beginning with Moses and all the prophets He explained to them the things concerning Himself and the scriptures. The word hermeuo (explain/interpret) which is where we get the word hermeneutics (the art of interpretation). He carefully interpreted the Old Testament. He used sound hermeneutics.
When we teach, we want to be sure that we don’t make severe errors.
3. Another area is superficial study. The Bible tells us in 1 Tim 5:17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.
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